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But one day, after the geese had passed on their northward journey, Oo-koo-hoo began making other decoys of a different nature, and when I questioned him, he replied that he was going to kill a few loons with his bow and arrow, as Granny wished to use the skins of their necks to make a work-bag for the Factor's wife at Fort Consolation.

A few of the decoys were of pine wood, rudely carved out and burnt to something like the natural coloring of the bird they were intended to represent; but a large proportion of them were "sea-weed" or "spruce" decoys; that is, bunches of the weather-bound sea-wrack, or bundles of evergreen twigs, made about the shape and size of the body of a goose.

The club-man, by common consent, was the first in the box that morning; but only a few ducks were moving, and he had lain there an hour before we marked a solitary bird approaching, and, after circling over the decoys, alighting a little beyond them. The sportsman sprang up as from the bed of the river, and the duck sprang up at the same time, and got away under fire.

"Murphy and Scott and Ottheimer and Grady and Loth are the decoys. You understand?" "I think I gather your meaning," I said. Mr. Bitter smiled by pulling down one corner of a crooked mouth. "They'll vote against it on principle, you know," he added. "We get a little something from the Maple Avenue residents." I've forgotten what the Riverside Franchise cost. The sum was paid in a lump sum to Mr.

I fell under the joint influence of the following things: the fatally arisen rupture between corporal and spiritual desires, the sharp contrast between English purity and English lewdness that, with its incomprehensible contradiction, has as exciting an effect as the dog in the duck-yard, who decoys the inquisitive ducks into the mouth of the strangler, and finally the accursed self-contempt that makes one say: "There's nothing lost with me anyway."

I have never been able to make out, but I saw it stated the other day, that in the duck decoys the man who is working the ducks holds a little piece of burning turf before his mouth, and that if he does this they cannot smell him, which looks as though it were the breath.

I had adopted every expedient I could think of calls, disguises, and decoys but all to no purpose. I resolved, at length, to try them by torch-light.

Public confidence being now thoroughly established in Fra Palamone's view, he opened his faro-bank on the last day of the fair, with Virginia and me for decoys to all appearance a young married couple from the sea-board, who were to play and win ten florins.

By far the most effective means of securing birds is to stretch a net between trees or poles where the birds are accustomed to fly. Wooden decoys are attached to the net in order to attract the game which, once enmeshed, is easily caught. Stone conduits lead the water from streams into the open ends of these traps, thus carrying in fish and shrimps.

I get mony birds, an'," lowering his voice, "yesterday I killed thretty-seven." A long whistle from the astonished Kennedy broke up the conference, and the offended lunatic walked angrily away. "He hasn't had a gun until to-day, to my certain knowledge," said Kennedy; "and I saw him yesterday afternoon taking aim at a goose that had lighted among his decoys, along the helve of his axe."