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She read Emerson for his sweet spirit, for his belief in love and friendship, her simple Congregationalist faith remaining undisturbed by his philosophy, from which she took only a habit of toleration. "Miss Debree has gone to church," she said, in answer to Mr. Lyon's glance around the room. "To vespers?" "I believe they call it that.

One on 'em called it the debree of the feast, though what that means is best known to hisself. For one hour by the clock these literairies went at it, tooth an' nail, but they failed to get through with all that was purwided, though they stuffed themselves to their muzzles. There, 'elp yourself."

There was music, distant enough not to interfere with conversation, and the gallery afterwards." "It must have been very exhilarating. You talked about the Duchess of Bolinbroke, and the opera, and Prince Talleyrand, and the corner in wheat dear me, I know, so decorous! And you said Miss Debree was there?" "I had the honor of taking her out." "Mr.

It was Margaret Debree how often I had seen her thus! sitting on her little veranda, swinging her chip hat by the string, glowing from some errand in which her heart had played a much more important part than her purse. I caught the odor of the honeysuckle that climbed on the porch, and I heard the note of the robin that nested there.

"In fact, Miss Debree," he said, with effort at speaking lightly, "I fear I am not in a geographical mood today. I came to say good-by, and and " "Shall I call my aunt?" said Margaret, rising also. "No, I beg; I had something to say that concerns us; that is, that concerns myself. I couldn't go away without knowing from you that is, without telling you "

You know the Southerners say that they surrendered at last simply because they got tired of beating the North." "How odd!" "Miss Debree simply means," I exclaimed, "that we have inherited from the English an inability to know when we are whipped." "But we were not fighting the battle of Bunker Hill, or fighting about it, which is more serious, Miss Debree.

"Nothing, nothing," he went on quickly; "nothing except to be yourself; to be the one woman" he would not heed her hand raised in a gesture of protest; he stood nearer her now, his face flushed and his eyes eager with determination "the one woman I care for. Margaret, Miss Debree, I love you!"

A gallery of modern pictures appeals for the most part to the senses represents the pomps, the color, the allurements of life. It struck Henderson forcibly that this gallery, which he knew well, appeared very different looking at it with Miss Debree from what it would if he had been looking at it with Miss Eschelle.

There was certainly in Lyon's letter a longing to see the country again, but the impression it made upon me when I read it due partly to its tone towards Miss Forsythe, almost a family tone was that the earldom was an empty thing without the love of Margaret Debree. Life is so brief at the best, and has so little in it when the one thing that the heart desires is denied.

It was quite evident the next day that Margaret had made an impression on our visitor, and that he was struggling with some new idea. "Did you say, Mrs. Fairchild," he asked my wife, "that Miss Debree is a teacher? It seems very odd." "No; I said she taught in one of our schools. I don't think she is exactly a teacher." "Not intending always to teach?"