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"Arrah, Miss Kitty," she said; "shure, an' I thought ye cuddent make cake. Now, why did ye thry, an' put all in such a pother? Belikes ye want to make me throuble." "No, Ellen," said Kitty, smiling at her. "I didn't do it purposely for that. I thought it would be good. You see, I did make it once, and it was good." "Ah, go 'long wid yez, all of yez! Shure I'll be afther clanin' up.

Th' time was whin it was me ambition or wan iv thim to be a king. Arly in life I'd committed the youthful folly iv bein' born outside iv th' counthry an' so I cuddent be Prisidint. But it don't make anny diff'rence what counthry a king comes from so long as he don't come fr'm th' counthry where he's king. 'No natives need apply, is th' motto.

She's a perfessional, and the family has gone away for three days, sure. Cuddent she do ye?" "Fine!" cried Patty. "Where do the Cartwrights live?" "Up the road a piece, an' thin down beyant a couple o' miles. Don't ye know the big grey stone house, wid towers?" "Oh, yes; I know where you mean. And is the cook there? What's her name?" "Yes, she's there. An' her name is O'Brien.

But the judge was very lenient with him. He said he needn't pay it if he cuddent. Th' coort wud give him a letther of inthroduction to th' bridewell an' he cud stay there f'r two hundhred days. At that rate it'll be a long time befure Jawn D. an' me meet again on the goluf-links.

Be th' time th' apparent an' hidjous majority iv th' raypublicans was rayjooced to nawthin' an' a good liberal, substantial, legal an' riotous dimmycratic majority put in its place be ordher iv th' coorts, th' commonwealth iv Kentucky an' Jack Chinn, th' raypublican has been so long in th'job an' has become so wedded to it that ye cuddent shake him out with a can iv joynt powdher.

Instead iv lollin' on a sofy an' listenin' to th' song iv th' mockin' bur-rd in th' pommygranite threes while ladies fr'm th' chorus iv 'Th' Black Crook' fanned him with fans iv peacock feathers, th' mis'rable old haythen was locked up in a garret with a revolver in his hand ready to shoot anny wan that come next or near him. He suffered fr'm dyspepsia an' he cuddent sleep nights.

He tole me yer name 'fore he went, an' so I rite meself to tell you Miss Dory's ded, an' ole Miss, too. She done dide a week ago, an' Miss Dory las' July. What shal I do wid de chile? I shood of rit when Miss Dory dide, but Mandy Ann an' me you 'members Mandy Ann sed how you'd be comin' to fotch her rite away, an' we cuddent bar to part wid her whilst ole Miss lived.

"Sure, an' it's well I know ye," he explained; "but for the life iv me I can't put me finger on ye." She pointed into the store and watched him anxiously. "Now I have ye!" He drew back and looked her up and down, and his expression changed to disappointment. "It cuddent be. I mistook ye. Ye cud niver a-lived in that shanty," thrusting a thumb in the direction of the store.

Shkip out, now, Miss Marjorie, dear, I must be doin' me work." "All right, Ellen, go on and do it. Go on now, why don't you? Why don't you, Ellen? Do you have to stand against that door to keep it shut?" "Yes, Miss, the, the lock is broke, sure." "Oh, is it? Well, you go on to your work, and I'll hold the door shut for a while." "Och, I cuddent think of throublin' ye, Miss.