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The Miss Splatchleys said that I looked pale and thin, with blue shadows under my eyes, and begged me not to work so hard. But I could have worked twice as hard without realizing that I was tired, if some one who knew the future, as no crystal-gazer can know it, had told me that Eagle would come out of the war unharmed.

"Well, then ?" questioned Beatrice. "Well, then, Carissima, why do you not take the affair in hand yourself?" "But that is just the difficulty. What can I what can a mere woman do in such a case?" The Cardinal looked into his amethyst, as a crystal-gazer into his crystal; and the lines about his humorous old mouth deepened and quivered.

Again, a man is likely to be thinking of a woman, and a woman of a man, so the field of conjecture is limited. In answer to the first objection I may say that the crystal-gazer was among strangers, all of whom, myself included, she now saw for the first time. The second objection is met by the circumstance that ladies were not usually picked out for men, nor men for women.

"Let us look into the crystal of the past, present, and future and read what it has to reveal," he added solemnly, darkening the room, which was already only dimly lighted. Then Hata, the crystal-gazer, solemnly seated himself in a chair. Before him, in his hands, reposing on a bag of satin, lay a huge oval piece of glass.

The inquirer was to write down, and inclose in an envelope, a statement of his thoughts; Miss Angus was to do the same with her description of the picture seen by her; and these documents were to be sent to me, without communication between the inquirer and the crystal-gazer.

It was a Bond Street crystal-gazer transplanted to Fifth Avenue told her who she really was: you know Sayda Sabri, the woman who has the illuminated mummy? It's Cleopatra's idea that Monny's second mourning for Peter should be white, nothing but white." "Her idea! But I thought Miss Monny, as you call her, adopted only her own ideas.

Eliza!" cried Mr. Sagittarius, in great excitement. "That's the soothsayer from the Beck!" "Madame Charlotte Humm!" yelled the footman. "Madame Humm!" vociferated Mr. Sagittarius, "the crystal-gazer from the Hill!" "Professor Elijah Chapman!" bawled the footman. "The nose-reader!" piped Mr. Sagittarius. "The nose-reader from the Butts!"

Stewart," petitioned Goring, wandering towards the crystal-gazer. "I should so like to thrill Miss Ormond." "It's no good your trying that way," smiled the lady, playing fine eyes. "It's only shadows that are thrilling in the crystal; shadows of something happening a long way off; or sometimes a coming event casts a shadow before and that's the most thrilling of all." "A coming event!

I couldn't tell him that. I told him enough. I know I did. He wouldn't have understood!" In his book-lined, "loosely furnished" apartment Sunday afternoon Hastings whittled prodigiously, staring frequently at the flap of the grey envelope with the intensity of a crystal-gazer. Once or twice he pronounced aloud possible meanings of the symbols imprinted on the scrap of paper.

"Ah!" breathed Irvin. " Overtook them there. He got out of a cab. He joined them. All three up to apartments of a professional crystal-gazer styling himself Kazmah 'the dream-reader." A puzzled expression began to steal over the face of Monte Irvin. At the sound of the telephone bell he had paled somewhat. Now he began to recover his habitual florid coloring.