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Well, come, little people, we will go into the sitting-room and not disturb Mr. Gregory." "Now, I protest against that," he said. "You might at least let me be one of the children." "But the trouble is, you won't be one, but will sit by criticising and laughing at our infantile talk." "Now you do me wrong.

I may venture to say that I am familiar with those conclusions, inasmuch as some years ago, when President of the Geological Society of London, I took the liberty of criticising them, and of showing in what respects, as it appeared to me, they lacked complete and thorough demonstration.

But the sally must have been unique. In all else that I have heard or read of him, so far from criticising, he was doing his utmost to honour and even to emulate his wife's pronounced opinions.

I thought that this treatment of Indians was an excrescence upon a system that was intrinsically and mainly good. I gave the Government my voluntary and hearty co-operation, criticising it fully where I felt it was faulty but never wishing its destruction.

"But, dear me, poor Armand, you are flying into a passion!" "I flying into a passion?" "Yes. You think that the whole question is opened because I ask you to be careful." In her heart of hearts she was delighted with the anger that leapt out in her lover's eyes. Even as she tortured him, she was criticising him, watching every slightest change that passed over his face.

But, nevertheless, they insist that the way to truth and right lies in straightforward honesty, not in indiscriminate flattery; in praising those of the South who do well and criticising uncompromisingly those who do ill; in taking advantage of the opportunities at hand and urging their fellows to do the same, but at the same time in remembering that only a firm adherence to their higher ideals and aspirations will ever keep those ideals within the realm of possibility.

Swift, criticising the manners of his day, says "Wise men are often more uneasy at the over-civility of these refiners than they could possibly be in the conversation of peasants and mechanics." But it is not only in these details that the self-defeating action of our arrangements is traceable: it is traceable in the very substance and nature of them.

It was great fun to hear him criticising the impossibilities of a battle-piece Blenheim, I think the anachronisms of the firearms and uniforms, and the want of discipline around Marlborough, who would never have won a battle at that rate. You know how his hawk's eye takes note of everything.

There had been Letters and Remonstrances from the Scottish Committee of Estates to the reconstituted English Parliament, severely criticising the general state of affairs in England, and complaining especially of the monstrous insolence of the Army in possessing themselves of the King, and the expulsion at their instance of the eleven Presbyterian leaders from the Commons.

I remember once how he said with indignation: "That is simply throwing a rotten egg! And its maturity shows that it was kept for that purpose! You are not criticising, you are only paying off an old score!"