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Updated: August 24, 2024

On the dovecot I was almost on a level with the tree-tops, and could see what lay beyond. The wood was not solid, but only a ring, and inside was an oval of green turf, for all the world like a big cricket-field. I didn't take long to guess what it was. It was an aerodrome, and a secret one. The place had been most cunningly chosen.

If Lady Jocelyn pleases, I will ride over to-day and see. 'My dear Evan! cried Rose, 'you don't mean that absurd figure we saw on the cricket-field? She burst out laughing. 'Oh! what fun it will be! Let us have him here by all means. 'I shall not bring him to be laughed at, said Evan.

Cheer, you little beggars! Why don't you cheer?" The adjuration fell flat, for not a boy uttered a sound, save one who exclaimed, "Oh, what a shame!" and then went off to the cricket-field, trying hard, poor little fellow! to suppress the natural desire to cry out and sob, for Slegge had "fetched him," as he termed it, a sounding slap upon the cheek, which echoed in the silence and cut the boy's lips against a sharp white tooth.

On this expedition you will be interested to hear that a man who lent valuable assistance to Baden-Powell was your hero of the cricket-field Major Poore.

In some places a cork bung is used, but I have always seen and played with a light ball made on purpose, and covered with leather. We were very particular at Grafton Hall about our hockey balls. Though late in the year, the weather was fine, so we played in the cricket-field. It was a fine wide extent.

Having revived his system with soda-water, and finding no sign of his antagonist below, Mr. Raikes, to disperse the sceptical dimples on his friend's face, alluded during breakfast to a determination he had formed to go forth and show on the cricket-field. 'For, you know, he observed, 'they can't have any objection to fight one.

The cricket-field looked very cool and spacious in the dim light, with the school buildings looming vague and shadowy through the slight mist. The little gate by the railway bridge was not locked. He went in, and walked slowly across the turf towards the big clump of trees which marked the division between the cricket and football fields.

What I object to is the crazy and almost delirious worship which is given to these champions of the sporting world. It is the excess of the thing that proves a diseased state of mind. There is more fuss made over some youth who scores a few hundreds on the cricket-field, than there would be over a man who had saved six hundred lives.

Took it to show the man who looks after the cricket-field. 'Biffen? 'Just so, Biffen. Very intelligent man. Given me a good deal of help in one way and another all along. Well, I showed it to him and he said he thought he knew the face. Was almost certain it was one of the men at work on the grounds at the time of the robbery. Showed it to friend of his, the other ground-man. He thought same.

My head was not quite so bad, and, after lying still, thinking, and listening to the shouts from the cricket-field, I said weakly, "Have they nearly done, Tom?" "Done! No, of course not." "What time is it?" "Don't know. Haven't got a watch." "Well, what time do you think it is?" "'Bout two. They've just gone to the wickets again after lunch." "Why don't you go and join them now?" "You know.

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