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Warren records the case of a woman of sixty who, while carrying a clothes-basket, made a misstep and fell 14 feet, the basket of wet clothes striking the right shoulder, chest, and neck. There was fracture of the 4th dorsal vertebra at the transverse processes. By seizing the spinous process it could be bent backward and forward, with the peculiar crepitus of fractured bone.

The shine had gone from her golden flowers, the softness from the wind rustling in the scrub, which now was an irritating crepitus; there was no music in Andrew's laugh, no ecstasy in the words he was learning every day, words that, at first, she had written proudly on a sheet of paper to send to his grandmother. The gentleness seemed to have gone even from Mrs.

After birth the predisposition to fracture continues, the bones are easily broken, the fractures are attended with little or no pain, the crepitus is soft, and although union may take place, it may be delayed and be attended with excess of callus. Cases have been observed in which a child has sustained over a hundred fractures.

On the following morning I had the arm frequently fomented: a very indistinct crepitus could be perceived at the point of the humerus: I applied another plaster higher up, and including the elbow. The hair not having been cut sufficiently close, the plaster was removed, applied much more neatly and closely, and the original fracture was firmly bound together. No crepitus was now to be perceived.

A diagnosis of cervical dislocation was made, and violent extension, with oscillation forward and backward, was practiced, and the abnormal appearance subsided at once. No crepitus was noticed. On the fourth day there was slight hemorrhage from the mouth, which was more severe on the fifth and sixth days.

These symptoms are due to a sub-periosteal hæmorrhage, and associated with this there may be crepitus from separation of an epiphysis, rarely from fracture of the shaft of the bone. X-ray photographs show enlargement of the bone, the periosteum being raised from the shaft and new bone formed in relation to it.

I saw no more of our patient for four days, when I found that he had fallen, and that the elbow on the other side was fractured within the capsular ligament. A very distinct crepitus could be felt, and the dog cried sadly when the joint was moved. I would have destroyed him, but he was a favourite with his master, and we tried what a few days more would produce.

The arm, by which I mean the fore arm, was movable in any direction upon the shoulder, and there was distinct crepitus: in a word, the nature of the accident was too plain to admit of doubt; nor was there any splinter or loose piece of bone discoverable.

There were no signs of external injury about his thoracic cavity and no fracture of the ribs could be detected, although carefully searched for; there was marked emphysema; the neck and side of the face were enormously swollen with the extravasated air; the tissues of the left arm were greatly infiltrated with air, which enabled us to elicit the familiar crepitus of such infiltration when an attempt at the determination of the radial pulse was made.

Blood extravasated deeply in the tissues gives rise to a firm, resistant, doughy swelling, in which there may be elicited on deep palpation a peculiar sensation, not unlike the crepitus of fracture. It frequently happens that, from the tearing of lymph vessels, serous fluid is extravasated, and a lymphatic or serous cyst may form.