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She came slowly, like some wounded an' crippled critter. Clear across the bay we could hear her screw creakin, an' her engines clankin' like they were all poundin' to pieces. What a sight she was! We looked at her, struck still ourselves an' unable to speak. They talk of a Phantom Ship, but if ever anything looked like a Phantom Steamer, the Roddam was that one.

"Some things we can't do; we can't stop the creakin' sounds of the world's work; the big roar of the wheel of business that rolls through the week days, can't be oiled into stillness; but Sundays they might get a little rest Sunday is the only day of rest for thousands of men and wimmen, nervous, pale, worn by their week's hard toil. "The creakin' of the wheels of traffic are stopped on this day.

I stake two claim one for you, one for me. It's dandy place for cabin! You look forty mile from dat spot. Mak' you feel jus' lak bird on top of high tree. Dere's plenty dry wood, too, an' down below is de Forks nice town wit' saloon an' eatin'- place. You can hear de choppin' an' de win'lass creakin' and smell de smoke. It's fine place for singin' songs up dere." "'Poleon!"

"Inside of the house was three rooms, the keepin' room, where we was all half circled round the fire, and two sleepin' rooms off of it. One of these Obi had, who was a-bed, groanin', coughin', and turnin' over and over all the time on the creakin' bedstead with pleurisy; t'other was for the judge.

It is a blessed break in the hard creakin' roll of the wheel of Labor, a needed rest needed in every way for tired and worn-out brain and muscle, soul and body; but I believe in telling the truth," sez he. He always wuz a very truthful boy born so, we spoze. Almost too truthful at times, his ma used to think.

"Inside of the house was three rooms, the keepin' room, where we was all half circled round the fire, and two sleepin' rooms off of it. One of these Obi had, who was a-bed, groanin', coughin', and turnin' over and over all the time on the creakin' bedstead with pleurisy; t'other was for the judge.

Tenie wuz gone, en dey wa'n't nobody ner nuffin fer ter watch de tree. "De two men w'at cut de tree down say dey nebber had sech a time wid a tree befo': dey axes would glansh off, en did n' 'pear ter make no progress thoo de wood; en of all de creakin', en shakin', en wobblin' you eber see, dat tree done it w'en it commence' ter fall. It wuz de beatenis' thing!

"'Cross me twice wid de raabbit foot Dar's steppin' at de doo'! Cross me twice wid de raabbit foot Dar's creakin' on de floo'!" He makes the passes, and I turn down Boylston Street, a living thing once more with face toward the hills of Hingham.

"But then," he continued, "that ain't very surprisin' when you comes to think of it, for just listen to what's goin' on aboard here the old hooker ain't so very noisy, I'll allow; still, what with the rustlin' of the canvas overhead, the patter of the reef-points, the creakin' of the jaws o' the mainboom, the clank o' the wheel-chains, and the wash and gurgle of the water alongside with the roll of her, there's not much chance of pickin' up sounds comin' from a distance, is there, sir?"

"Shore enough, jest as it's closin' in some dark in Apache Canyon, an' the stage is groanin' an' creakin' along on a up grade, thar's a trio of hold-ups shows on the trail, an' the procession comes to a halt. Old Monte sets the brake, wrops the reins about it, locks his hands over his head, an' turns in to cuss. The hold-ups takes no notice.