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Caroline eyed him a moment across the rose she held to her lips, then laughed delightedly. "Indeed, indeed, I couldn't stand losing you, David, nor could Phoebe. Don't imagine it!" And Caroline confessed her affection for him with the naïveté with which a child offers a flower. The absolute entente cordiale which had existed between her and Phoebe from the moment Mrs.

There was unrest throughout Europe and murmurs of discontent were heard among the working classes. The present Kaiser's father reigned only ninety-nine days, as he was a very sick man at the time of the old emperor's death. The "Entente Cordiale" Ancient enemies. England and France in Africa. A collision at Fashoda. Germany offers to help France. Delcasse the peacemaker.

In half an hour, the broken entente cordiale was restored, and Johnstone had slipped away and questioned the wary Ram Lal. "All I know is that the lady hired the house temporarily from me, I am agent for Runjeet Hoy, who owns it now. She went without a word, and gave me three hundred pounds yesternight, for her rent and supplies. I asked the Mem-Sahib no questions.

As for their orderlies, they soon made love to our Indian maidens, and there is every reason to believe that the interlopers obtained all necessary comforts, after all. So all went well enough in the two menages. Indeed, an entente cordiale between the population of Mexico and the French army was rapidly established. In a few days the place assumed an unwonted aspect of cheerfulness and festivity.

The entente cordiale between the King and the ministers was not of long duration. His promises of amended government were soon forgotten; the lawlessness of the nobles continued unchecked; agents of Rome were again busy in the country in collusion with the Popish nobles, and nothing was done to counteract them.

Did you never hear how the fiercely-moustachioed Gallic colonels swaggered about the Boulogne cafes, loud in their denunciations of perfidious Albion, while smoking their endless cigarettes and sipping their poisonous absinthe; and how, but for the staunch fidelity of the ill- fated Emperor Napoleon since deserted by his quondam ally and the jaunty pluck of our then gallant premier, brave "old Pam" whose loss we have had ample reason, oftentimes of late, to deplore there might have been a sudden rupture of that "entente cordiale" between the two nations, which was cemented in the Crimea, and expired but a couple of years ago under the besieged walls of Paris?

The three monarchs, accompanied by their families, here supped together around a great round marble table, a secret supper prolific of an entente cordiale which must have been the forerunner of recent ceremonies of a similar nature in France. Known as the Salle de Marbre, this great chamber came later to be the Tribunal where the courts sat.

After the signing of the treaty of 1841, which restored the entente cordiale between France and England, and satisfied the other European Powers, Louis Philippe and his family were probably in the plenitude of their prosperity.

No entente cordiale could ever be cemented after that lingual blast. The consuls all had honorary memberships in the Cercle Militaire, and none of them entered the Cercle Bougainville, it not being de rigueur.

An immediate entente cordiale had shaped itself around Zoe and her grandfather. She named him with her usual fantastic aptitude. "Dapple-dear," she would have it, and could not explain the choice. It must have been some such remote analogy as his likeness to an old dapple-gray family horse, patient flanked and thoroughly imperturbable to the fleck of the whip.