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He had neither help, comfort, nor sympathy; and Ameera at the end of each weary day would lead him through the hell of self-questioning reproach which is reserved for those who have lost a child, and believe that with a little just a little more care it might have been saved. 'Perhaps, Ameera would say, 'I did not take sufficient heed. Did I, or did I not?

But if this were to take place he could wish to cease to live. Then he would comfort himself by assuring himself again and again that of the two he would certainly make the better husband. He was older. Yes; it was a pity that he should be so much the elder. And he knew that he was old of his age, such a one as a girl like Mary Lawrie could hardly be brought to love passionately.

For Heaven's sake, madam, do not let anybody hear what I was led by my respectful sympathy to tell you just now." Dionysia felt that the decisive moment had come. She said, "If you knew me better, sir, you would know that you can rely upon my discretion. You need not regret having given me by your confidence some little comfort in my great sorrow. You need not; for"

The valley at the opposite extremity opened upon a landscape bright and picturesque, dotted with those white residences which give that peculiar character of warmth and comfort for which the northern landscapes are so remarkable.

To see him surrounded with splendour, and her with admirers, would gratify the fondest wishes of her heart. Gabriel was now summoned to the conference. He by no means agreed with Ursula in her approbation. "Alas, my dear, young master," said he to Adrian, "it was riches that proved the bane of your father's happiness and comfort.

"Well," said he, "I don't mind tellin' yer how that was. It was on account of your baby. We don't like to crack a house where there's a pretty small baby that's liable to wake up and howl any minute, and rouse up the rest of the family. There's no workin' in a house with comfort when there's such a young one about.

Lizzie put out a plump, toil-scarred hand and drew Lydia to her. "There, dearie! Think about other things. What shall poor old Liz fix you for lunch?" The child rubbed her bright cheek against the old woman's faded one. "You are a solid comfort to me, Lizzie," she said with a sigh. Then after a moment she exclaimed, eagerly, "Oh! Lizzie, do you think we could have a deviled egg?

I suppose you won't be above two or three minutes. I shall be longer, perhaps a quarter of an hour; so if you wait for me, we will go to Shepherd's, and talk your business over in some sort of comfort." "I am pleased, indeed," Mr. Murray said, when Gregory told him of his appointment. "It is better than I even hoped.

When he slept at her side, his head pillowed close to hers on the fragrant fir, she still lay awake, her eyes staring up at the golden stars, still fearful, uncomprehending. At last she was his, as he would have her, wholly his, so she said, seeking comfort, and thus kissing his brow, with a long, wondering sigh she fell asleep by his side.

Do not ask anybody for anything, but just wait. I have quite made up my mind that forty-five for the gentleman, and thirty-five for the lady, is quite time enough for marrying." "The grapes are sour," said Walter. "They are not sour at all, sir," said Mary. "I was speaking of my own grapes, as I look at them when I use that argument for my own comfort.