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Perhaps I have been wrong all through life, and in trying to teach my children to do as I was made to do. God knows I have had very little comfort from them: whether they did or whether they didn't. You and Frank I had set my heart on; I loved you out of all my grandchildren was it very unnatural that I should wish to see you together? For that boy I have been saving money these years past.

"One great comfort is left," replied he, "the mercy I have abused is infinite. Tell Stanley I now believe with him, that if we pretend to trust in God, we must be governed by him, if we truly believe in him, we shall obey him; if we think he sent his Son to save sinners, we shall hate sin."

'Perhaps, resumed she, 'perhaps, those strains I heard were sent to comfort, to encourage me! Never shall I forget those I heard, at this hour, in Languedoc! Perhaps, my father watches over me, at this moment! She wept again in tenderness.

She did it with leisure and comfort this time, to find the Arab's great white steam yacht waiting to race her to Ismailiah. She had looked round for the man she loved, but had seen him only when, with great pomp and circumstance, she landed on the other side.

I shall soon, I think, be able to speak, and then I will tell you all; and meanwhile it will be a comfort to me to think that you feel for me and about me as you do. I don't want to indulge in self-pity I have not done that. There is nothing unjust in what has happened to me, nothing intolerable, no specific ill-will.

At Westover, while conformity to colonial times is carried far, even to the exclusion of rocking-chairs, yet there has been no shrinking from anachronisms that comfort or convenience demand.

How could I be happy there when I was thinking of you and papa and Jane here at home? Whatever there is here, I would sooner share it with you than be anywhere else, while this trouble lasts." "My darling! it is a great comfort to see you again." "Only that I knew that one less in the house would be a saving to you I should not have gone.

I do not know whether a husband's comfort is ever perfect till some family peccadilloes have been conclusively proved against him. I am sure that a wife's temper to him is sweetened by such evidence of human imperfection.

John Knightley, ashamed of his ill-humour, was now all kindness and attention; and so particularly solicitous for the comfort of her father, as to seem if not quite ready to join him in a basin of gruel perfectly sensible of its being exceedingly wholesome; and the day was concluding in peace and comfort to all their little party, except herself.

That, of course, every one must decide for himself, according to his inclinations and his opportunities. But a few general considerations may be of comfort and even of greater value. There is one thing of importance to know about this last call, that we are apt to imagine we hear it before we actually do, from a nervous sense that it is about time for it to sound.