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Updated: August 4, 2024

Now I could have believed there was an alarm of Indians had I not seen these tracks; but I know very well that, were the Apaches on their war-trail, my Comandante and his Whiskerandos would never have ventured so far from the Presidio that I know. "Well, there's something extraordinary! I can't make it out. Perhaps they're all up to the town at some fiesta.

And now, my dear Comandante, as to your dream, that is as natural as may be. It could hardly be otherwise than that you should have such a dream.

A knock aroused him from the contemplation of some documents. They were communications from his spies, which had just reached the Presidio, addressed both to himself and the Comandante. They were concerning the affair. "Who is it?" he asked, before giving the privilege to enter. "I, captain," answered a sharp squeaky voice. Roblado evidently knew the voice, for he called out "Oh! it is you?

"The Senor Comandante can hold no conference with you until you disperse your party," interpreted the secretary. She was about to hurriedly reply that she knew nothing of the crowd that had accompanied her; but she was withheld by a newly-born instinct of tact. "How do I know that I shall not be arrested, like my friend?" she said quickly. "She is as innocent as myself."

This, however, had become the sole duty on which the soldiers were employed as the Comandante had no idea of giving up the chase so long as there was a trooper left to take the trail. One place was closely watched both by day and by night. It was watched by soldiers disguised, and also by spies employed for the purpose. This was the rancho of the cibolero himself.

Where where I say?" "Oh! do not murder me. I shall tell all. She she is here. I swear I have not wronged her; I swear I have not " "Here, ruffian stand at this point close to the wall here. Quick!" The cibolero had indicated a spot from which part of the patio, or courtyard, was visible. His command was instantly obeyed, for the craven Comandante saw that certain death was the alternative.

It would be quite useless to attempt such a thing." "Cavalleros!" Carlos addressed himself to both "I assure you I could find them. They are not so far off." Both the Comandante and his captain started, and visibly turned pale. The cibolero did not affect to notice this.

As she offered him the brazero, he remarked, "I am wearied with my ride; may I beg, Senorita, you will allow me a few minutes' shelter from the hot sun?" Though annoyed at this request, the girl could only reply in the affirmative; and the next moment, with clattering spur and clanking sabre, the Comandante walked into the rancho.

"A revolution, your Reverence, among the Americanos, with robbery of the Presidio saluting-gun; a grave affair. Your Reverence has been sent for by the Comandante. I am taking these men to San Antonio to await the decision of the Council." "And the ship?" "Gone, your Reverence. One of the parties has captured it." "And these?"

"I recall that there was a romance connected with his visit to San Francisco but the details have escaped me. Please sit down on this bench and tell me the story just as if I had never heard it before." "More than a century ago there dwelt in this old adobe house a beautiful maiden," I began. "Her father was Comandante of the Presidio, 'el Santo, the people termed him, because of his goodness.

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