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To my mind, the most important event in the history of spiritism is the entrance of Eusapia Paladino into the clinical laboratory of Cesare Lombroso. Nothing since Crookes's experiments has had such value for the scientist." "We have heard of Lombroso, but who is Paladino?" asked Mrs. Quigg. "Is she a psychic?" "She is the most renowned now living.

The deep stupor seemed to pass, and he began to moan. Miss Winwood and the housekeeper stood by his side. The Archdeacon, his hands behind his back, paced the noiseless Turkey carpet. "I hope," said he, "your doctor will not be long in coming." "It looks like a sunstroke," the housekeeper remarked, as her mistress scrutinized the clinical thermometer. "It doesn't," said Miss Winwood bluntly.

Let them look at the young man before them, whose hard work had won him, early in life, his brilliant position as one of the recognised pioneers of the new School of Surgery, as an admitted authority on Clinical Medicine, whose wedding-bells the handkerchiefs came out at this had rung to-morrow but for this harrowing and bitter stroke of adverse Destiny. Which would they have?

It is convenient to start with the conception that glaucoma is increased tension of the eyeball, plus the causes and effects of such increase; although a broad survey of the facts may reveal a clinical entity to be called glaucoma, without increased tension constantly or necessarily present, and cases of increased intra-ocular tension not to be classed as glaucoma.

Considering the extraordinary frequency of localised forms of surgical tuberculosis, general dissemination of the disease is rare. #The clinical features# of surgical tuberculosis will be described with the individual tissues and organs, as they vary widely according to the situation of the lesion.

These cover every department of medicine, anatomy, physiology, pathology, medical theory, therapeutics, as well as clinical medicine and surgery. In style they are verbose and heavy and very frequently polemical. They are saturated with a teleology which, at times, becomes excessively tedious.

Sometimes, of course, necessity can impose a discipline and rigor which ultimately may serve as a disguised benefit, but in the seventeenth century, when Boyle was active, the lack of systematic training and rigorous background seemed actually an advantage. Clinical chemistry and the broad areas which we can call experimental medicine had no tradition.

One of the clinical professors met him and placing his hand mysteriously on the youth's shoulder the professor was a friend of his asked him in a low voice, "Were you at that supper last night?" In his excited frame of mind Basilio thought the professor had said night before last, which was the time of his interview with Simoun. He tried to explain.

Under such conditions it is very probable that imperfect metabolism of body tissue occurs, and certain toxic products that are capable of irritating the muscles and articulations form. Clinical symptoms, and the presence of bacteria in the inflamed tissue indicate that bacteria and their toxins play an important part in the development of articular rheumatism.

A moment after, Archie was in pursuit, and had in turn, but more roughly, seized him by the arm. "What do you mean? what did you mean by saying that? What makes you think that Hermis my father would have missed me?" The doctor turned about and looked him all over with a clinical eye. A far more stupid man than Dr.