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The loud, preposterous moral crusades that so endlessly rock the republic against the rum demon, against Sunday baseball, against Sunday moving-pictures, against dancing, against fornication, against the cigarette, against all things sinful and charming these astounding Methodist jehads offer fat clinical material to the student of mobocracy.

Garnier's unrivalled clinical knowledge of these manifestations, due to his position during many years as physician at the Depôt of the Prefecture of Police in Paris, adds great weight to his conclusions. A. Hoche, Neurologische Centralblatt, 1896, No. 2. Op. cit., pp. 478, et seq. C.H. Hughes, "Morbid Exhibitionism," Alienist and Neurologist, August, 1904.

She seems to have secret wires stretched all over the country and she has the clinical history of the neighbourhood at her tongue's end. What's more, she distributes it, continually, painstakingly, untiringly. Every detail of every case I have charge of is spread broadcast, by Miss Mehitable.

DES TROUBLES PSYCHIQUES ET NEVROSIQUES POST-TRAUMATIQUES, Par R. Benon. G. Steinheil, editeur, Paris, 1913; pp. x-449. The author in this volume has written a clinical and medico-legal treatise on traumatic nervous affections from a broad and philosophical standpoint.

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that this clinical group is founded on the symptom complex which is built around apathy. There is never any resemblance between apathy and the mood of elation or anxiety. A discrimination from depression is the only differentiation worth discussion.

The pleasure of watching it made the doctor forget to answer, and the girl went on: "I know lots more about you than that you aren't a tramp. I know what you are. You are a doctor!" triumphantly. "A Daniel come to judgment!" "Yes, a Daniel! Only I wouldn't have been quite so sure if you hadn't dropped this out of your pocket." With a gleeful laugh she held up a clinical thermometer.

Then he began again suddenly: "I will read you a story about this; nothing is more instructive than a clinical picture." Bhani sprang to her feet and hastened toward him, but he put her aside with a word, and going into his study he appeared again bearing a folio bound in leather and with the corners fastened with copper. "This is my diary," he said.

From The Examiner of September 6, 1906, cited by Cutten, p. 185. Primitive Culture, ii. p. 422. Clinical Lectures, p. 39. Manual of Diseases of the Nervous System, 1893, pp. 732 and 785. Sanity and Insanity, p. 282. Psychology of Religion, pp. 146-7. Primitive Traits in Religious Revivals.

It may be reasonably doubted if arrested development of the female reproductive system, producing a class of agenes, not epicenes, will yield a better result of intellectual and moral power in the nineteenth century, than the analogous class of Orientals exhibited. Clinical illustrations of this type of arrested growth might be given, but my pen refuses the ungracious task.

His presentation was scheduled for the last night of the American College of Clinical Practitioners' annual meeting, and Coffin had fully intended it to be a bombshell. It was. Its explosion exceeded even Dr. Coffin's wilder expectations, which took quite a bit of doing. In the end he had waded through more newspaper reporters than medical doctors as he left the hall that night.