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Also I have beds of celeriac, and cold frames which yield a few cucumbers in the summer when emptied of plants. Not one inch of ground is lost in my garden. The roses occupy this crescent. After sinking to its utmost now, the bank stands two feet six inches above the gravel path.

Mask the cauliflower with mayonnaise, garnish with beet diamonds, and the effect is very pleasing. CELERIAC SALAD. Celeriac, or turnip-rooted celery, is an excellent vegetable for the gouty and the rheumatic. When stewed and served with cream sauce, it is at its best. It may be used in salads either raw or boiled. If used raw, cut it into very thin slices; if cooked, cut it into inch pieces.

The hotbed was used during the late fall and winter to store some of the hardy vegetables, and the latter part of October there was placed in it some endive, escarole, celeriac, and the remaining space was filled up by transplanting leeks, chives, and parsley." "If spinach is grown in frames, the sash used for one of the late crops above may be used through the following winter.

To one quart take two tablespoons of butter blended with two tablespoons flour and cooked until smooth and frothy, add the strained celeriac and cook five minutes, stirring frequently. Add one teaspoon of salt and a half cup of cream, cook five minutes longer and serve hot on toast or fried bread. Trim off the outside leaves and cut the stalk even with the flower.

But since these data were published prices continued to rise until, at the beginning of July, they had attained the same level as those of Russia on the eve of the revolution there. In Paris, Lyons, Marseilles, the prices of various kinds of fish, shell-fish, jams, apples, had gone up 500 per cent., cabbage over 900 per cent., and celeriac 2,000 per cent.

They are often 6 inches long and 2 inches in diameter. Their cultivation is like that of parsnips. They are cooked and served like carrots. In flavor, they resemble celeriac or turnip-rooted celery, but are not so pleasing. In Germany the plant is rather popular, but, except by our German gardeners, it has been little cultivated in this country. Uses.

Pare the celeriac, cut in thin, narrow slices, and put into cold water. Drain from this water and drop into boiling water and boil thirty minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water. The celeriac is now ready to be prepared and served the same as celery. Boil as directed above and press through a sieve.

The season of sowing celery is in April. We have a variety of this, which is red, and much esteemed. CELERIAC. This is a variety of the Apium graveolens. It is hollow in the stem, and the roots are particularly large: although this is much used in Germany, it is not so much esteemed by us as the celery. CHAMPIGNON. Agaricus pratensis.

Mix the whole well with two tablespoonfuls of wine vinegar; then add two or three steamed potatoes sliced, a few slices of beet, same of celeriac, same of rampion, salt and Hungarian pepper to taste; toss gently twenty minutes, then serve." EELS, MAYONNAISE OF. Put into a salad-bowl two heads of bleached endive, each leaf having been previously examined.