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Add one-half teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon of prepared mustard, very little pepper, two tablespoons of white sugar. Stir very hard, then pour in gradually one-half teacup of vinegar. Imported or domestic endive, chicory, escarole and Romaine or lettuce must be washed, made crisp in cold water, and dried in a bag on the ice. Serve them with French dressing.

The following varieties of vegetables, mostly five-and ten-cent packets, were planted: Pole and wax beans, beets, kale, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumbers, corn salad, endive, eggplant, kohlrabi, lettuce, muskmelon, onions, peppers, peas, salsify, radish, spinach, squash, tomatoes, turnips, rutabagas, escarole, chives, shallot, parsley, sweet and Irish potatoes, and nearly a dozen different kinds of sweet herbs."

Serve it as follows: Take two heads of escarole; reject all green and decayed leaves; place the white bleached leaves in a salad-bowl, after being thoroughly washed and dried in a napkin; take a small piece of crust of bread, and a clove of garlic, dip the garlic in salt and rub it a few times on the bread; add the piece of bread to the salad-bowl.

Salad which is to be eaten with game or to form a course at dinner may be a crisp white cabbage lettuce, water-cress, Romaine lettuce, or that most delicious form of endive, escarole. The dressing should be the simple French dressing, about which so much has been written and said, and which is so easy that perhaps it is one reason why so few make it well.

The hotbed was used during the late fall and winter to store some of the hardy vegetables, and the latter part of October there was placed in it some endive, escarole, celeriac, and the remaining space was filled up by transplanting leeks, chives, and parsley." "If spinach is grown in frames, the sash used for one of the late crops above may be used through the following winter.

Lettuce, Romaine, endive and chicory or escarole make the best dinner salads, although one may use mixed cooked vegetables or well-prepared uncooked cabbage. Left-over green vegetables, string beans, peas, carrots, turnips, cauliflower, cooked spinach, leeks and beets may all take their place in the dinner salad. Use them mixed, alone, or as a garnish for lettuce.

ENDIVE SALAD. The curled endive is excellent for fall and winter salads. Pick the leaves over carefully; separate the green from the white; put the latter into a salad-bowl; add minced salad herbs, and a suspicion of onion. Serve with plain dressing. ESCAROLE SALAD. This is one of the best salads known.

The best dinner salad will perhaps always be white, crisp lettuce, with a simple French dressing, although, to those acquainted with it, escarole runs it hard, with its cool, watery ribs and crisp leaves. Elaborate salads, or those dressed with mayonnaise, are too heavy to form the latter part of an already sufficiently nourishing meal, but for luncheons and suppers the rich salad is invaluable.

Next add half a teaspoonful of salt, a saltspoonful of pepper, and four tablespoonfuls of the very best olive oil; toss the salad gently; then add a tablespoonful of tarragon vinegar; toss again; remove the piece of crust, which is known as "Chapon," and serve. Escarole is the broad-leaved variety of the well-known endive. FROG SALAD. This is a delicious salad.