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But then everybody said they were engaged so what did it matter? Everybody but John Jr., who was John Jr. still, and who while openly denying the engagement, teasingly hinted "that 'twas no fault of Cad's."

I want to dance to forget myself with light and music. It's the most natural thing in the world. Anyone but you would think so." "It is not life you mean; it's excitement." "What it means is that you don't want to take me. Yes, that's what it is. But I can get some one else. I will send for Eggis; he will have no objection." "Why drag in that cad's name?

I did not wish, of course, to be a gentleman, and an aristocrat; but I was nettled, nevertheless, at not being mistaken for one; and answered, sharply enough "No matter whether I am hurt or not. It serves me right for getting among you cursed aristocrats." "Box the cad's ears, Lord Lynedale," said a dirty fellow with a long pole a cad himself, I should have thought.

"'You're right, of course, says Mr. Van, slow. 'It was a low thing to do a cad's trick. No wonder you English are so rotten superior. You don't need brains the right thing's bred into your bones. Your tempers never show you up. We revert to the gutter at the pinch. "'Oh, I say! That's bally nonsense! says the English gink. 'I would have done the same thing.

"Cad's a fool," muttered John Jr., while Nellie rejoined, "Durward never hated anybody, and even if he did, he would not say so I mean to tell him;" and with another good-bye she was gone. On the stairs she met Durward, who was looking for her, and asked where she had been. "To bid 'Lena good-bye; don't you want to go too?" said Nellie.

Their chat was now grave, now gay generally the latter; for Cad's music was inspiriting; but whatever the theme of their discourse, Herbert's eyes were constantly seeking the face of his companion. "How beautiful you are, Elsie!" he exclaimed at length, in a tone of such earnest sincerity that it made her laugh, the words seemed to rush spontaneously from his lips.

How is she to say how much is mere habit, how much is gratified vanity of having a fellow dangling after her, how much the necessity of showing the world she is not compromised by the cad's solicitations? Take my word for it, Kearney, my way is the best. Be able to go up like a man and tell the girl, "It's all arranged.

"Well, all I can say is that I'm infernally sorry that Miss Hethencourt has been made the butt of gossip and scandal through a cad's behaviour, and I think that you and I ought to be shot for discussing her and her very intimate affairs. If " Damaris waited to hear no more.

"And you've broken one cad's heart today." "I'm sorry if I have," declared Dick, frankly, generously. "I wouldn't have had any heart in the fight if he hadn't started in to humiliate me. I wouldn't have cared so much for that, either. But he started to say something nasty about my parents, and I have as good parents as ever a boy had. Then I felt I simply had to fit a plug between Ripley's teeth."

"Lucy," he said in one of the pauses, "what amusements are we to have to-night? anything beside the harp, piano, and conversation?" "Dancing, of course. Cad's fiddle will provide as good music as any one need care for, and this room is large enough for all who will be here. Our party is not to be very large, you know." "And Elsie, for one, is too pious to dance," sneered Enna.