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He could see his father in the big chair reading by the lamp, that dear old father who had held his hands so tenderly and spoken with such earnestness the day before he had left Kennedy Square. "Your mother is right," Richard had said. "I am glad you are going, my son; the men at the North are broader-minded than we are here, and you will soon find your place among them.

By a rare chance, she was the broader-minded of the two, the more truly impartial. Her emancipation from dogma had been so gradual, so unconfused by external pressure, that from her present standpoint she could look back with calmness and justice on all the stages she had left behind.

Rosalie is broader-minded than many women, yet she is devoted to the Congregational Church, and rarely misses attendance. It will be an easy matter for her to accept your faith for yourself and to allow you to attend your own church, and she is, I am sure, broad enough to go with you occasionally, if you request it.

The broader-minded Jews of the dispersion, and especially Alexandria and the early Christian Church, refused to be bound by the narrow principle that divine revelation ceased with Ezra. Accordingly we find them adopting a larger canon, that included many other later writings known in time as the apocryphal or hidden books.

I can assure you that we trembled in our shoes: our fate hung in the balance. The officer-in-charge of the field, however, was more level-headed and broader-minded, although he could not calm his excited colleague. At last he point blank refused to mete out the desired punishment. He turned to us. "I accept your explanation.

We are not abler, not any broader-minded nor more intellectually daring than those pioneers, but we have what they had not, the test of results. Let us briefly glance at what has been the course of events in those states and countries which were the earliest to obtain political freedom for their women.

He enjoyed a controversy and was quick to discover the weak points in his opponent's arguments and to make the most of them. These characteristics he carried with him through life, becoming, however, broader-minded and more tolerant as he grew in years and experience. Morse's father had given him many letters of introduction to eminent men in England.

"That would be old Carson? Yes; he's a good man. You won't find a better." "Is he going to quit, too? Just because I've come?" Lee shook his head. "If you work him right Carson will stick right along. Being white clean through, being broader-minded than I am" and the twinkle came again into his eyes "Carson'll show you a square deal." "Has he any love for Bayne Trevors?"

If only all women would bravely face these facts of nature instincts in themselves and in men, they would approach marriage with much broader-minded views, and would have a much greater chance of happiness, because they would realise that they must be lenient to man in the matter of his fidelity to them; and if man realised these instincts, he would enter marriage knowing he must make a fight with nature to keep the vows he has sworn, and so he would be on his guard against the first inclination to stray, instead of an easy prey to it.

The destruction of the evidence, the bringing into the case of a broader-minded man, a man without a carefully constructed theory all that would help Bobby, might save him. Howells, moreover, had indicated that he had so far withheld his evidence. But that was probably a bait.