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He knew it must come sooner or later, and braced himself up to carry matters through with as high a hand as possible. 'About that poor girl of whom I told you, Lizzie Hepburn. She has come back, looking so very ill and unhappy, and of course I asked her down to Bourhill, and your aunt and cousins are so vexed about it, I am quite puzzled. It is so unlike them to blame one for wishing to be kind.

She turned with a smile to the little seamstress, whose face still wore that intense, glorified look. 'Bourhill? repeated Liz. 'Where's that? 'That's my home now, said Gladys gleefully. 'See what you have missed, being away so long. Has Teen not told you of all its glories? I thought she was so enthusiastic over it, she could not hold her tongue. Never mind, you shall soon see it for yourself.

She was thinking as she spoke of the probable result of the letter she had just carried to the post, and which would be delivered at Bourhill in the morning.

'It strikes me you will get enough of it if you should be successful where we wish you to be successful, said his mother, with a keen glance across the table. 'Gladys Graham is a very self-willed piece of humanity. Your Aunt Isabel told me only yesterday of her absurd fad to have common girls visiting her at Bourhill.

I know I haven't any right yet to dictate to you, even if I wished to do it, but won't you believe that we only advise what is the very best for you? Couldn't you, instead of having the girls at Bourhill, send them to some other country place? It would only cost a very little more. 'But that wouldn't be the same thing at all, said Gladys wilfully.

Looking ahead, he saw nothing bright a long stretch of grey years, which held nothing beautiful or satisfying or worthy of attainment a melancholy condition of mind, truly, for a young, prosperous, and healthy man. In the midst of this deep depression came the letter from Gladys conveying the news of Liz's sudden and strange flight from Bourhill.

'My dear little girl, wait till your place is put in order, and you take up your abode in it, Miss Graham of Bourhill, the envied and the admired of a whole county, and you will change your mind about the world. Just wait till the next Hunt Ball at Ayr, and we'll see what changes it will bring. There was no refuting Clara's good-natured worldly wisdom, and Gladys had to be silent.

'I don't think we disagreed, only I said I should ask whom I like to Bourhill. Surely that was within my rights? said Gladys proudly. 'Oh yes, to a certain degree, but not when you harbour questionable characters yes, I repeat it, questionable characters, such as the girl who ran off this morning I hope you counted your spoons to-day, Gladys?

'Now, my dear, said Mrs. Fordyce, as they were about to part, 'I shall allow the girls to come down on Saturday, on condition that you return with them at the end of a week, prepared to accompany us to London. Gladys nodded, with a bright smile. 'Yes, I shall do everything you wish. I believe I am rather tired of having my own way, and I should not mind having a change, even from Bourhill.

He had a dream a foolish one it proved a dream that he might one day restore the name Graham of Bourhill again. He hoped to make a fortune by his pictures, but it was a vain delusion. A shadow clouded the bright face of Gladys as she listened to these words. 'This place, Bourhill, is it an estate, or what? she asked. 'Not now.