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Bounderby's house, sitting at the first-floor window as he had seen her before; and there was the light porter, sometimes talking with her there, and sometimes looking over the blind below which had BANK upon it, and sometimes coming to the door and standing on the steps for a breath of air.

Bitzer knuckled his forehead again, in a sneaking manner, and seemed at once particularly impressed and depressed by the instance last given of Mr. Bounderby's moral abstinence. 'A hundred and fifty odd pound, resumed Mr. Bounderby. 'That sum of money, young Tom locked in his safe, not a very strong safe, but that's no matter now. Everything was left, all right.

Mrs. Sparsit recognized the hand, intimated that such confirmation was quite unnecessary, and gave Mr. Bounderby's address, with all needful clues and directions in aid. 'Thousand thanks, said the stranger. 'Of course you know the Banker well? 'Yes, sir, rejoined Mrs. Sparsit. 'In my dependent relation towards him, I have known him ten years. 'Quite an eternity!

'Do you, sir! said Mrs. Sparsit, with great affability. 'But naturally you do; of course you do. A very awkward pause on Mr. Bounderby's part, succeeded. Mrs. Sparsit sedately resumed her work and occasionally gave a small cough, which sounded like the cough of conscious strength and forbearance.

This again made the excellent woman vastly sentimental. She was so humble withal, that when Louisa appeared, she rose, protesting she never could think of sitting in that place under existing circumstances, often as she had had the honour of making Mr. Bounderby's breakfast, before Mrs.

I have been standing about, on this side of the way, to see that gentleman, turning her head back towards Mr. Bounderby's again, 'come out. But, he's late this year, and I have not seen him. You came out instead. Now, if I am obliged to go back without a glimpse of him I only want a glimpse well!

'But you must not begin to fail, Rachael, for you may be wanted at any time to stand by Stephen. To-morrow is Saturday. If no news comes to-morrow, let us walk in the country on Sunday morning, and strengthen you for another week. Will you go? 'Yes, dear. They were by this time in the street where Mr. Bounderby's house stood.

Things having come to this pass, and showing no latent signs of stirring beyond it, the upshot of Mr. Bounderby's investigations was, that he resolved to hazard a bold burst.

Bounderby's? 'Why, there's one thing to be said of it, returned Tom, pushing his chair from him, and standing up; 'it will be getting away from home. 'There is one thing to be said of it, Louisa repeated in her former curious tone; 'it will be getting away from home. Yes. 'Not but what I shall be very unwilling, both to leave you, Loo, and to leave you here.

Bounderby's retreat, there mellowed into a rustic landscape, golden with heath, and snowy with hawthorn in the spring of the year, and tremulous with leaves and their shadows all the summer time.