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At this place, some of the boat's company attempted to shoot a hippopotamus, who had shown himself several times during the day. They succeeded only in slightly wounding him, after which he disappeared. The people of the country say that there are twelve that frequent this place in the river, which contains here some low islands, well adapted to afford them food and concealment. 16th of Safa.

"I'm afraid you're so hungry you can't argue very pleasantly," returned Mother Blossom. "However, I want you to wait till we get to the bungalow and I'll have a nice, hot lunch for you, Daddy, what about leaving the car?" "There's a garage down the street a piece," volunteered Mr. Harley. "Guess the car will be all right there; and the motor- boat's due any minute."

She had, in the meantime, compelled the Calcutta to cease firing, and the Frenchmen to abandon her. Lord Cochrane then sent a midshipman and boat's crew to take possession, when, without orders, the midshipman set her on fire, and in the evening she blew up with a tremendous explosion. The Tonnerre was also set on fire by her own officers and crew, and blew up.

Hitherto the boat's head had been kept directly towards the seas as they came rolling in. It was far more dangerous work crossing them as they had now to do, to reach the inner side of the island.

"All right, Skipper," answered the fellow; "I'm not complainin'. You've got the bulge on me, and I'm the bottom dog this time. Only I thought there was no harm in just mentionin' them little matters." "No harm in the world," agreed Mildmay, cheerily, as the boat's forefoot slid up on the smooth sand of the beach.

It reaches the vessel in distress; some of the boat's crew spring on board, and find, perhaps, that there is some hope of saving the ship. Knowing the locality well, they steer her clear of rocks and shoals. Being comparatively fresh and vigorous, they work the pumps with a will, manage to keep her afloat, and finally steer her into port, thus saving ship and cargo as well as crew.

The next moment, with scarce so much as a breath remaining in my battered body, I laid hand upon the boat's side, and clung there panting and well-nigh spent. I felt his hands pressed under my arms, and then, with the exercise of his great strength, he drew me steadily up, inch by inch, until I topped the rail, and fell forward into the bottom of the boat.

"I wonder," he said, "how that boat's crew ever got across to Kamtchatka. It was north of the islands where the man brought Dunton the message." Dampier understood that he desired to change the subject, for this was a question they had often discussed already. "Well," he said, "I still hold by my first notion. They were blown ashore on the beach we'd just left, and made prisoners.

"She is waving her handkerchief to us," said Stephen's wife, who thereupon pulled out her own, and waved it as a return signal. 'The boat's course had been a little awry while Mrs. James neglected her steering to wave her handkerchief to her husband and Mrs.

However, the Frenchman had nothing but a few old muskets; and the beggars got to windward of us by fair words, till one morning a boat's crew from the Frenchman's ship found the girl lying dead on the beach. That put an end to our plans. She was out of her trouble anyhow, and no reasonable man will fight for a dead woman.