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They are all mad entirely, and the lord mayor, all along with your honour's making me swear I would not tell your name. Sure they are all coming armed in a body to put you in jail for a forgery, unless I run back and tell them the truth will I?" "First tell me the truth, blunderer!"

I turned to the girl. "Worth doesn't need to listen to me, Mr. Boyne," she said serenely. "He already has full faith in me and my methods." "Methods be be blowed!" I exploded. "It's results that count, and you've produced. I'm willing to hand it to you. All we know now, we got from you. Beside you I'm a thick-headed blunderer. Let me in on how you get things and I won't be so hard to convince."

Cope was neither a coward nor a traitor, but he was a terrible blunderer, and while the English general was marching upon Inverness Charles was triumphantly entering Perth. From Perth the young prince, with hopeless, helpless Cope still in his rear, marched on Edinburgh.

In my haste I had not seen the small brass button which released the latch. "It's a pity Vierle didn't tell us what costume Mrs. Spencer is wearing," Moore remarked, as we reached the Garden. I stopped short. "What a blunderer I am. It would be better if you did the thinking for me." "Shall I go back and ask him?"

"After all, however," I said to myself, and my heart sank, "it was only skill. Your giant was but a blunderer." I left the bodies of friends and foes, peaceful enough when the death-fight was over, and, hastening to the country below, roused the peasants. They came with shouting and gladness, bringing waggons to carry the bodies.

'You bat you blunderer! thought Leila: 'See! You can't even see this beside you! "I expect he's sorry for her," she said in a queer voice. "Why should he be sorry? He doesn't know:" "Oh, yes! He knows; I told him." "You told him!" "Yes," Leila repeated stubbornly; "and he's sorry for her." And even then "this monk" beside her did not see, and went blundering on.

The difference is that if the business man makes a mistake, he commonly has to suffer for it, whereas it is rarely that scientific blundering, so long as it is confined to theory, entails loss on the blunderer. On the contrary it very often brings him fame, money and a pension.

When a word is missed, the blunderer has to sit down, and be a spectator only for the rest of the evening. At certain intervals, some of the best speakers mount the platform, and "speak a piece," which is generally as declamatory as possible.

She: Oh, Martin, dear, foolish blunderer to dream you could fright me with tales of hardship, or dangers, or solitude when you were by, to think I must break my heart for home and England when you are both to me. England or home without you were a desert; with you the desert shall be my England, my home all my days, if God so will it. Myself: Oh, loved woman, my brave, sweet Joan!

Jim Kendric stood looking about him and cursed himself for a fool. Headlong he had always been, plunging ever into deep waters that were not over clear, but he could not recall the time he had been a greater blunderer.