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Updated: August 21, 2024

"I'd 'ave yeh to know that the 'ead of this 'ere hinstitution " "Aw, whist now, ye blatherin' bletherskite, who's talkin' about the Head? The Head, is it? An' d'ye think I'd sthand Howly Moses! here she comes, an' the angels thimsilves wud luk like last year beside her!" "Good-morning, Tommy.

An Irishman in my car yelled out: "Och, ye dirty spalpeens; it's not shootin' prisoners ye are now; it's cumin' where the Yankee b'ys hev the gun; and the minnit ye say thim yer white livers show themselves in yer pale faces. Bad luck to the blatherin' bastards that yez are, and to the mothers that bore ye."

Ez far as my opinion goes, gen'lmen," continued Bill, with greater blandness and apparent cordiality, "I wanter simply remark, in a keerless, offhand gin'ral way, that ef I ketch any God-forsaken, lop-eared, chuckle-headed blatherin' idjet airin' his opinion " "One moment, Bill," interposed Judge Thompson with a grave smile "let me explain.

An' since 'twould break me heart to think anybody in Port Agnew could be as wise as mesel', ye'll have to excuse me from blatherin' all I know." "Oh, but you must tell me, Dan. There are reasons why I should know, and you wouldn't refuse to set my mind at ease, would you?" Dirty Dan grinned and played his ace.

He set on th' flure, with his hands on his belt an' his face as white as stone, an' rocked to an' fro. 'Ahoo, he says, 'ahoo, but me insides has torn loose, he says, 'an' are tumblin' around, he says. 'Say a pather an' avy, says I, I was that mad f'r th' big bosthoon f'r his blatherin'. 'Say a pather an' avy, I says; f'r ye're near to death's dure, avick. 'Am I? says he, raising up.

"'Where did this come from? he asked. "'She had it in her mouth, says O'Toole. "'Well, it's one av th' buttons off a uniform that ain't healthy to be wearin' around these parts just now. An' then they both looked hard at th' little thing. "'D'ye s'pose it cud have been? asked O'Toole. "'Been what? says Garnett. "'Jameson, ye blatherin' ijiot.

M'Gregor used to keep them up to their work. Sent them away somewhere about the Diamantina, shortly after this affair; and now Bob" "Speak o' the divil," growled Baxter. "You done it, you blatherin' fool! Look behine you! Might 'a' had more sense!"

So when you hear folks jawin', you can allus tell what's the matter wi' 'em. "There's old Shoemaker Hankin at Deadborough. Know him? Well, did you ever hear such a blatherin' old fool?

"As I was saying," said the doctor in his calm, even tone, and examining his instruments one by one with affectionate care, "there is every possibility that the nerve centres may be " "Oh," groaned Carroll, still fascinated by the instruments that the doctor was handling with such loving touches, "will someone shut up this blank, blatherin' fool? He'd drive a man crazy, so he wud!" "Mr.

"Och, tell me somethin' I dunno, you gomeral, not but what I'm nigh as big a one meself as can be, to go thrust her wid that little imp of mischief. Bad scran to it, I must give me stiff leg a rest, and she 'll be up here blatherin' after me before you can look round, you may bet your brogues she will."

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