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Bradlaugh's infamous treatment by the bigots had revolutionised my ideas of Freethought policy.

When we, in such connections, speak of scientific men, we do not mean men of science as such, but those only who avow or manifest their hostility to religion. There is an assumption of superiority, and often a manifestation of contempt. Those who call their logic or their conjectures into question, are stigmatized as narrow-minded, bigots, old women, Bible worshippers, etc.

The world has been divided between infidels and bigots. In Association there will be neither, for it will remove their causes. The framework of society is false which drives to such extremities.

"Well, you have made others dance, daddy, and the little slut has got you, and is making a fool of you. Heaven is just!" "Just?" said the Baron. "I hafe not sent for you to preach to me " "Pooh, my boy! A little moralizing breaks no bones. It is the salt of life to the like of us, as vice is to your bigots. Come, have you been generous? You have paid her debts?" "Ja," said the Baron lamentably.

"Liberty has risen from the dead, and we too will be free!" Yes, mad and sinful; therefore are we as we are. Yet God has forgiven us perhaps so have those men whose forgiveness is alone worth having. Liberty? And is that word a dream, a lie, the watchword only of rebellious fiends, as bigots say even now? Our forefathers spoke not so

He did all he could for the cause of the exiled James, but he gave up the work when he found it hopeless, and died in Ireland. And this is moderation in the modern sense of the word, to which, speaking impartially, the bigots of both parties are equally entitled. The Sentiments of a Church of England Man with respect to Government.

But then, more sensible than the bigots of his sect, he did not confound the moderation and tolerance of these two reigns with the active tyranny and oppression exercised in those of Charles II. and James II. The Presbyterian form of religion, though deprived of the weight formerly attached to its sentences of excommunication, and compelled to tolerate the coexistence of Episcopacy, and of sects of various descriptions, was still the National Church; and though the glory of the second temple was far inferior to that which had flourished from 1639 till the battle of Dunbar, still it was a structure that, wanting the strength and the terrors, retained at least the form and symmetry, of the original model.

The two Bigots spared no pains to induce more of the Abenakis to join these mission colonies. On the mission of St. Francis on the Chaudiere, see Bigot, Relation, 1684; Ibid., 1685. It was afterwards removed to the river St. There were ten years of critical and dubious peace along the English border, and then the war broke out again.

These miserable outcasts fled to whatever secret places the vaults of their houses or the caverns in the hills within the city could yet afford them, cursing their fate, and almost longing even for the yoke of the Christian bigots. Thus passed several days; the defence of the city abandoned to its naked walls and mighty gates.

There was another class of Christians who provoked the controversial genius of Augustine, and these were the Donatists. These men were not heretics, but bigots. They made the rite of baptism to depend on the character of the officiating priest; and hence they insisted on rebaptism, if the priest who had baptized proved unworthy.