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But the destruction of mere paper and sheepskin would not satisfy the bigots. Their hatred required victims who could feel, and was not appeased till they had perpetrated a crime such as has never since polluted the island.

'His points; an heraldic term, expressive of the exact position of the various bearing on the shield a scrupulous or superstitious niceness as to points of doctrine. These are faithful words, giving offence to bigots of every sect. The church of England excluded all from her communion except conformists Independents held no fellowship with Baptists, nor Baptists with Independents.

"But, by God, sir, we can't sit quietly under the assault of these narrow-minded bigots. You must give the lie to this infamous book!" "How can I, my friend?" "Doesn't she make heroes of law breakers?" "Surely." "Is there no reverence for law left in this country?" "In Courts of Justice, yes. But not in the courts of passion, prejudice, beliefs, sentiment.

A legal inquiry was instantly directed; and as the authors of the tumult had escaped in the crowd, the whole community was condemned to repair the damage; and the obstinate bigots, who refused their contributions, were whipped through the streets by the hand of the executioner.

Do we betake ourselves thither, we may easily fall in with some comrades of his bosom who have not the misfortune to be lying dead in a back lane, who will know something of your loss. Bernet's sort are no bigots; while they work for the League, they will lend a kindly ear to the chink of Kingsmen's florins." "Ah," cried Monsieur, "then let us go."

If this selection of colonists, through religious and political persecution, sometimes gave us bigots with one idea, it also gave us people who knew that ideas can change. Along with Cotton Mather it gave us Anne Hutchinson, Roger Williams and William Penn.

"Anyone," said his enemies, "could smell what that meant who had not a wooden nose." In brief, he was a liberal Christian, both in theory and practice, and he nobly confronted in consequence the wrath of bigots on both sides. At a later period the most zealous Calvinists called him Pope John, and the opinions to which he was to owe such appellations had already been formed in his mind.

Rowdy noblemen, intemperate country gentlemen, sterile lawyers, cynical but wealthy sceptics who maintain religion as another fence round their property, hereditary Nonconformists whose God is respectability and whose goal a baronetcy, contrive, with a score or two of bigots thrown in, to make a carnival of folly, a veritable devil's dance of blasphemy.

Ghat Townsmen great Bigots. Unexpected Meeting with the Sultan. My Targhee Friend's opinion of War. Mode of Baking Bread. Country of Touat. The British Consul is perplexed at his Master being a Lady. Vulgar error of Christians ill-treating Mussulmans in Europe. People teach the Slaves to call me Infidel. Visit to Bel Kasem, and find Khanouhen. The free-thinking of this Prince.

Where were formerly magnificence and splendour; the glittering array of priestly prowess; the crowded halls of haughty bigots, and the prison of religious offenders; there is now but a heap of mouldering ruins. The oppressed and the oppressor have long since lain down together in the peaceful grave. The ruin, generally speaking, is unusually perfect, and the sculpture still beautifully sharp.