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So he only looked a lie, out of his affectionate, truthful eyes, and said: "I love to bring you flowers. Has uncle come home yet?" "Yes, long ago. He called and looked all around for you to unharness the horse, and he wanted you to go an errand over the river to Gibson's. I guess he was put out." "Did he say anything?" "He asked if you had weeded the beets.

Notwithstanding this a lasting influence has not been exercised; the methods of selection have been improved, and the number of polarized beets has been brought up to some hundreds of thousands in single factories, but the improvement is still as dependent upon continuous selection as it was half a century ago.

To the first class belong cane sugar, found in sugar cane and beets, milk sugar, found in sweet milk, and maltose, a kind of sugar which is made from starch by the action of malt. The important members of the second class are grape sugar, or dextrose, and fruit sugar, or levulose, both of which are found in fruits and in honey.

Beets, turnips, and other winter vegetables should be stewed rather than boiled, as it is somewhat difficult to cook them tender, especially in the late winter and early spring. If dry beans and peas are brought to the simmering point and then allowed to cook, they can be prepared for the table in practically the same length of time and without so much fuel as if they boiled continuously.

Peace watched her for a time and then began again, "Are we going to have meat of any kind tomorrow?" "I am afraid not, dear." "What what do you 'xpect to have?" "Just potatoes and cabbage and beets, I guess." "It will seem kind of hard to be thankful for such a dinner as that, won't it?" sighed Peace.

Salt may be used, in moderate quantity, but no other condiments. Of butter, cheese, milk, &c. Potatoes, turnips, onions, beets, and other roots. Beans, peas, and asparagus. No fat or gravies should be used. Remarks on Fruit. Diversity of opinion. The cholera. Fruits useful. Seven plain rules in regard to them. Other rules. A mistake corrected. Fruit before breakfast. Four arguments in its favor.

Shape into pyramids, put mayonnaise on the top of the pyramid, and on top of that either a little well-seasoned caviar or some sardellen butter shaped in a pastry bag. Serve on a slice of beets and a lettuce leaf. Take one-quarter pound salted sardellen and soak in water over night.

Crawford felt it as such, and was very sorry, too, that she had nothing better to offer him than bread and butter and radishes, with milk, and a dish of cold beans, and chopped beets, and a piece of apple pie saved for Harold from dinner.

Harry was the first to see and welcome him. He recognized beets and was delighted to find that John understood what they were after. When the Professor was informed, he gave a hearty welcome, and John seemed to recognize that his efforts were appreciated. "Ah! I see you have some onions," he said, as he beamed on him. "Onions!" "Yes; the wild onion, the progenitor of all the onions.

Very poor cover in a hedge. Good road to go on. Made pretty good time last night. Feet feeling better. Running out of tobacco. Otherwise in the best and still hope the same. Meals: potatoes and beets." We spent a great deal of time discussing ways and means of adding to our stock of tobacco. Any smoker knows what it is to want the weed.