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"Just see what beau-ti-ful ears he has! And what a cunning nose! See him lick my hand!" "He's kissing you. Isn't he cute? One of papa's men at the mine owned four of these little pups, and he sold this one for five dollars. He is to be my very own and I am going to teach him tricks when he is old enough. Isn't he a darling?" "I should say he is! I wish he belonged to me."

"Beau-ti-ful," murmured Sir John; "but now comes the rub." Taking another key, he inserted it in the lock of the subdivision. It would not turn. "One more chance," he said, as he tried a second. "Ah!" and open came the lid. Rapidly he extracted two thick bundles of letters. They were in Lady Bellamy's handwriting.

I live with him still at Riverside." "Ye-es Riverside beau-ti-ful name his country seat I sup-pose," the words dropped syllable by syllable from the white lips, but there was no quiver in the voice no ruffle upon her face. Raising herself upon her elbow, the lady continued, "Pray, don't think me fidgety, but won't you please open that shutter. I did not think it would be so dark.

You've left your old place, then? Have you? 'Have I! returned his young friend, who had by this time stuck his hands into the pockets of his white cord breeches, and was swaggering along at the barber's side. 'D'ye know a pair of top-boots when you see 'em, Polly? look here! 'Beau-ti-ful' cried Mr Sweedlepipe. 'D'ye know a slap-up sort of button, when you see it? said the youth.

"Husband! husband!" cried his wife, showing her horror-stricken face through the window-panes. "There is no need of going for the child's parents!" "We told you so, father!" screamed Violet and Peony, as he re-entered the parlour. "You would bring her in; and now our poor dear beau-ti-ful little snow-sister is thawed!"

Gold-tops bottles she has to have yet by her. I can tell you, though, Mrs. Fischlowitz, if I do say it myself, when that girl sits up in here like a picture she looks. How they stare you should see." "Such a beau-ti-ful girl! I can tell you for her a prince ain't good enough. Ach, what a pleasure it must be, Mrs.

Whoever has heard this woman in a professional way can testify to the verbatim truth of this sketch. “There is wa-ter that we must cross, we must go in a boat musn’t we? Now we’re in the boat, and O I see so many put-ty things, men, and dogs, and ships and things going up and down; such beau-ti-ful things I have never seened before.

"So he could do as he liked with it!" said a mild, piping falsetto; "And so far, he has made it beau-ti-ful! beau-ti-ful!" carved with traceries of natural fruit and foliage, which were scarcely injured by the devastating mark of time.

"In the sweet bye and bye We shall meet on that beau-ti-ful shore; In the sweet bye and This drew the attention of the dancers, causing a temporary halt. One of her companions tried to pacify her and to draw her away, but she resisted and only clung the closer. I forgot the awful surroundings as my heart went out in tenderest pity.

"Oh, Tony ain't! And neither is Ethel! They both just love music, and they kept me whistling until I was tired. And how they do love stories! I 'magined for them till my thinker ran empty. I couldn't help wishing I was you, so's I could tell them all the beau-ti-ful fancies you make up as you lie here under the trees day in and day out.