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"'Tarnal death to me, ar'nt I to do her fighting first?" demanded the honest Ralph. "Jist let's have another crack at the villians, jist for madam's satisfaction; and then, sodger, if you're for taking the shoot, I'm jist the salmon to show you the way. "Think not of horses, nor of us," said Roland. "Save but the women, and it will be enough. For the rest of us, we will do our best.

French iron ar'nt worth a damn, and the sentry shan't hear me if he lolls against them; although it may be just as well if Thompson tips a stave, as then we may work the faster." "I say, Bill," observed Hillson, "who is your friend?" "I don't know he may be the governor; but this I do know, for the honour of freemasonry, we may trust him and all like him; so just mind your own business, Tom."

Thar's his big broad-sword, and but, Lord above us, ar'nt his sister a beauty! Any man in Kentucky will be proud of her; but, I warrant me, she'll take to nothing under a cunnel!"

His known innocence made the party more indignant, and they consequently swore that among them they'd put an end to our poor friend Ussher, or as Joe Reynolds expressed it, "we'll hole him till there ar'nt a bit left in him to hole." Now, for the benefit of the ignorant, I may say that, "holing a man," means putting a bullet through him.

"It ar'nt for me to ax the company, Father John, but if Betsy likes to come up and shake her feet and take her sup, she's welcome for me." "That's kind of you; and you know you could be asking after the " "Well then, Father John, may it be long before I spake another word to you, barring my sins!" "Well, Denis, I've done.

Richard is annoyed at at your intimacy with Mr. Langenau. You know just as well as I do how he feels, for no doubt he's spoken to you himself." "He never has," I said, quite shortly. "No?" and she looked rather chagrined. "Well but at all events you know how he feels. Girls ar'nt slow generally to find out about those things. And he is really very unhappy about it, very.

Strannger thar's as brash as a new hound in a b'ar fight, or a young boss in a corn-field, and no safe friend in a forest. Say the word, marm, or if you think it ar'nt manners to speak to a strannger, jist shake your little finger, and I'll follow like a dog, and do you dog's sarvice.

H'yar's my old lady too, and my daughters, that will make much of you; and as for my sons, thar's not a brute of 'em that won't fight for you; but th' ar' all busy stowing away the stranngers; and, I reckon, they think it ar'nt manners to show themselves to a young lady, while she's making acquaintance with the women."

"Well, he ar'nt deaf, a'ter all; I thought he was only shamming a bit. I say, Jacob, this is the weather to blow your fingers, and make your eyes bright." "Rather to blow a cloud and make your eyes water," replied Tom, taking up the pot: "I'm just as thirsty with swallowing smoke, as if I had a pipe myself at all events, I pipe my eye.

"Why," replied Jemmy Ducks, "at all events, imp o' Satan or not, that here Smallbones fought him to-day with his own weapons." "And beat him too," said. Coble. "Yes," said Short. "Now, it's my opinion, that Smallbones ar'nt afraid of him," continued Jemmy Ducks, "and devil or no devil, he'll kill him, if he can."