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It rejoiced in such flowery appellatives as the Sea of Splendor, the Moon of Milk; and, of course, those who had been scarcely better than jewed out of it were determined to obtain it again at all hazards; they were never famous for scrupulosity.

Satan, Devill, Not Proper Names, But Appellatives And first for the Tormenters, wee have their nature, and properties, exactly and properly delivered by the names of, The Enemy, or Satan; The Accuser, or Diabolus; The Destroyer, or Abbadon.

Many of our writers, among them Sir Walter Scott, have strangely misconceived these playful appellatives, unconscious of the origin of this familiar humour. The age was used to the coarseness.

"Out on you, Saville," said Godolphin; "as well might you say no music out of the opera; these verbal prettinesses colour conversation. But your roues are so d d prosaic, you want us to walk to Vice without a flower by the way." "Vice indeed!" cried Saville. "I abjure your villanous appellatives.

Ray Ingraham, or Rachel, for that was her name, and her sister's was Dorothy, though these had been shortened into two as charming, pet little appellatives as could have been devised by the most elegant intention, was a pretty girl, with her long-lashed, quick-glancing dark eyes, her hair, that crimped naturally and fell off in a deep, soft shadow from her temples, her little mouth, neatly dimpled in, and the gypsy glow of her clear, bright skin.

Some of the appellatives in the ensuing catalogue may not be correctly spelt.

'Stand and deliver, ye " and here Jem glibly rattled out a stream of profane appellatives which was disgraceful to listen to. "Tut, tut, Jem," I said, "you shouldn't speak like that. Any way we'll hear the rest another time." "That's what I called them, sir," said Jem, turning to me with surprise, "you surely would not have me tell an untruth." "I wouldn't have you tell anything. Keep quiet.

"A pencil," said I, holding out my hand without looking at her. "You are not a native of Belgium?" "No." "Nor of France?" "No." "Where, then, is your birthplace?" "I was born at Geneva." "You don't call Frances and Evans Swiss names, I presume?" "No, sir; they are English names." "Just so; and is it the custom of the Genevese to give their children English appellatives?" "Non, Monsieur; mais "

We now give to newly discovered stars names derived from distinguished people, as Georgium Sidus, or Herschel; or, again, merely technical appellatives, as Alpha, Beta, and the rest. We should never think when 'some new planet swims into our ken' of calling it Kangaroo, or Rabbit, or after the name of some hero of romance, as Rob Roy, or Count Fosco.

In his discussion of the divine attributes he yields to none in removing from God any positive quality of those ascribed to him in the Bible. The various names or appellatives applied to God in Scripture, except the tetragrammaton, he divides, according to their signification, into three classes, actional, relative, negative.