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This wise coloured man has learned the advertising advantages of the unusual. His placard reads: Originator of that famous Dobrupolyi System of repairing. When one enters and asks to know more about this system, he points to another placard, which says: It assumes the nature and character of an appellative noun, and carries the article The System.

The actual signification of the word tory, though now, and for a long time, the appellative of a political party, is scarcely known except to the Irish scholar and historian.

The alphabet is general property, and everyone has the right to use it for the creation of a word forming an appellative sound. But he must truly create it. Voltaire, in spite of his genius, would not perhaps have reached posterity under his name of Arouet, especially amongst the French, who always give way so easily to their keen sense of ridicule and equivocation.

Was the woman deaf and dumb, or did her friends hope by bestowing upon her such an impossible name to still the voice of Nature, and check, by an admonitory appellative, the active spirit that lives in the tongue of woman? Truly, Asa Sharman, if thy wife was silent by name as well as by nature, thou wert a fortunate man! But to return to Uncle Joe.

There were, according to the Stoics, five parts of speech name, appellative, verb, conjunction, article. 'Name' meant a proper name, and 'appellative' a common term. There were reckoned to be five virtues of speech Hellenism, clearness, conciseness, propriety, distinction. By 'Hellenism' was meant speaking good Greek.

The various species of Tetrapturus have sometimes shared its title, and this is not to be wondered at, since they closely resemble Xiphias gladius, and the appellative has frequently been applied to the family Xiphiidæ the swordfish which includes them all. Spear-fish is a much better name. The "sailfish," Histiophorus americanus, is called by sailors in the South the "boohoo" or "woohoo."

But at this question, Queequeg, who had twice or thrice before taken part in similar ceremonies, looked no ways abashed; but taking the offered pen, copied upon the paper, in the proper place, an exact counterpart of a queer round figure which was tattooed upon his arm; so that through Captain Peleg's obstinate mistake touching his appellative, it stood something like this: Quohog. his X mark.

He had returned from India rolling in gold; for some great princess or other I think they called her a Begum or a Glumdrum, or other such like Gulliverian appellative had been singularly fond of him, and had loaded him in early life with favours not only kisses, and so forth, but jewellery and gold pagodas.

The appellative, gained at Eton, was in no way undeserved; when the smoke cleared away that was circling round him out of a great meerschaum bowl, it showed a face of as much delicacy and brilliancy as a woman's; handsome, thoroughbred, languid, nonchalant, with a certain latent recklessness under the impressive calm of habit, and a singular softness given to the large, dark hazel eyes by the unusual length of the lashes over them.

Indeed, his earlier appellative, "He Wipes his Nose on his Sleeve," was said to have been given to him to indicate his still boy-like habits. It was night in the encampment and among the lodges of the "Pigeon Toes."