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Oldbuck, and inuendos, not so much marked, but not less cutting, from his sister. The dinner was such as suited a professed antiquary, comprehending many savoury specimens of Scottish viands, now disused at the tables of those who affect elegance. There was the relishing Solan goose, whose smell is so powerful that he is never cooked within doors.

From this point the English cannon played successfully on the ancient keep, which, under the older conditions of warfare, must have been well nigh impregnable. It is from this opposing height that the castle is now best surveyed by the peaceful antiquary.

And still I hope she is. That's all you can take for truth. The rest is rumour. You can guess how a place like this will roll it over their tongues." "I'll go and see Mister Churchouse." "Do, sir. You can trust him to be charitable." Daniel departed; but he did not see Ernest Churchouse. The antiquary was not at home and, instead, he heard Mrs.

It is a sumptuous book, supposed to be a present from the Emperor Ferdinand to the King. How did it come here? Then, more by luck than anything else, I find mention of it in the diary of Thomas Hearne, the Oxford antiquary; his friend Thomas Jett, F.R.S., owned it and told him about it in 1722: he had been offered £100 a volume for it; it was his by purchase from one Mr. Stebbing.

Disappointed in his hopes of that union which could alone restore the monarchy in the person of a native ruler, the descendant of Brian returned to Kinkora, where he shortly afterwards fell ill of fever and died. "It was commonly reported," says the Antiquary of Lecan, "that the multitudes' envious eyes and hearts shortened his days."

Leaving the estuary of the Medway, still farther east in Kent, in the vale of the Stour, is the ancient cathedral city of Canterbury, whereof Rimmer says it "is one of the most delightful cities in England for an antiquary." Its cathedral is approached through the quaint narrow street of Mercery Lane, where once stood the Checquers Inn that was the resort of Chaucer's pilgrims.

But, only one half observation, its other half consisting of very out-of-the-way book-lore, this work displays Browne still in the character of the antiquary, as that age understood him. He is a kind of Elias Ashmole, but dealing with natural objects; which are for him, in the first place, and apart from the remote religious hints and intimations they carry with them, curiosities.

By MRS. ANNIE EDWARDS. 16mo, pp. 325. By the author of "Helen's Babies." Stories for American Boys." By BAYARD TAYLOR. 12mo, pp. 164. By C. D. WARNER. 12mo, pp. 374. A Novel." Riverside Edition. "Waverley," "Guy Mannering," "Rob Roy," "The Antiquary." With Atlas. By JULIUS BERNSTEIN. Illustrated. New York: D. Appleton & Co. "Outlines of Lectures on the History of Philosophy."

"Not a farthing," said the Antiquary, peevishly, taking a turn from him, and making a step or two away. Then returning, half-smiling at his own pettishness, he said, "Get thee into the house, Edie, and remember my counsel, never speak to me about a mine, nor to my nephew Hector about a phoca, that is a sealgh, as you call it."

He is fading silently away into a forgotten antiquity; his works are not on the publishers' counters, they linger only among the dust and cobwebs of old libraries, listlessly thumbed by the exploring reader or occasionally consulted by the curious antiquary.