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Twice smaller anacondas had attacked his dogs; one was carried under water for the anaconda is a water- loving serpent but he rescued it. One of his men was bitten by a jararaca; he killed the venomous snake, but was not discovered and brought back to camp until it was too late to save his life.

Upon the floor were caged the boa-constrictor, anacondas and rattlesnakes, whose heads would now and then rise menacingly through the top of the cage. In the extreme right was the cage, entirely shut from my view at first, containing the Bengal tiger and the Polar bear, whose terrific growls could be distinctly heard from behind the partition.

"Down here they call them anacondas, and in other parts of the world they're boa-constrictors. I guess the whole bunch belongs to the same family of squeezers. But that fellow is in our way." "Well, yes, if you're still determined to run the aeroplane across lots toward this side of the opening," Andy remarked with a shudder.

The only creatures we had to fear were the anacondas; but Kallolo averred that they were not often found in narrow streams, and that the alligators always forsook the flooded region and went further up the country, where they could find sunny banks to bask on during the day, and a more ample supply of food. We mentioned our wishes to Uncle Paul and my father.

Was it possible that an hundred serpents could have surrounded the camp? Brought suddenly to his feet, Leon stood for some moments uncertain how to act. He fully believed they were snakes anacondas, or water-snakes no doubt that had just crept out of the river; and he felt that a movement on his part would bring on their united and simultaneous attack upon the sleeping party.

I can truly say that I have never since slept more soundly on feather-bed than I did during that first night in our new settlement, as the skipper called it. I dreamed not of Indians, nor of anacondas, nor of our long swim. Daylight was streaming in at the open door when I awoke.

He suggested this to the captains who uttered a grunt. "Very likely," he said. "They do creep about in that way after the monkeys. 'Tis their nature to. This is the sort of country for those gentlemen, both the dry ones and the wet ones." "I don't understand you," said Brace. "Oh, you mean the boas and the anacondas." "That's right, squire, and I daresay we shall see some tidy big ones.

They have been known to pounce on and devour good-sized anacondas. In this particular neighborhood the ordinary jaguars molested the cattle and horses hardly at all except now and then to kill calves. It was only occasionally that under special circumstances some old male took to cattle-killing.

Was it possible that an hundred serpents could have surrounded the camp? Brought suddenly to his feet, Leon stood for some moments uncertain how to act. He fully believed they were snakes anacondas, or water-snakes no doubt that had just crept out of the river; and he felt that a movement on his part would bring on their united and simultaneous attack upon the sleeping party.

There was the man who put his head into the lion's mouth, and, I suppose, the man about whom the anacondas twined, talking about their suppers, and blustering for hot meat, and calling for something to drink, without anything of the wild dignity of men familiar with the nobility of nature.