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"Never mind the poor little thing; look-out for the monstrous snake. I daresay it's one of the anacondas crept up out of the river. See it?" "No, uncle; but there might be a dozen up there." "Keep on looking. You must see it if it's as big as Pete here says. Was it close to the trunk, my lad?" "Not very, sir; it was just out a little way, where the boughs spread out." "I see it!" I cried.

ARE there snakes? Do you think snakes could bite through them?" A shake of the head, and a little, low, plaintive whistle, is the only reply, but they speak in thunder of boa-constrictors, anacondas, and cobra de capellos. "They were very good and stout when I had them. I called them very stout shoes." "O yes, they're made of good material, but you see they 're worn out.

He knew that in that region such disagreeable creatures existed as anacondas, tigers, huge baboons, and alligators, and that one or the other of them might suddenly make its appearance.

Somewhere in your virtuous bosom you are nourishing a viper, for I have felt his fangs. Woe unto you, if you do not strangle him before he develops into mature anacondaism! In point of natural history I am not sure that vipers do grow up anacondas, but for the purposes of moral philosophy the development theory answers perfectly well.

At Pará, in Brazil, the author has seen young anacondas six and eight feet long also kept upon the plantations as rat catchers. Any of these serpents make very little of swallowing a rat which they have themselves caught, but they promptly refuse such as have been killed by a trap or other means.