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Thompson would rather have got into the carriage at any other spot in Le Puy than at that at which she was forced to do so the chief entrance, namely, of the Hotel des Ambassadeurs. And what made it worse was this, that an appearance of a special fate was given to the occasion. M. Lacordaire was dressed in more than his Sunday best. He had on new yellow kid gloves.

The new, or European quarter, is bisected by a broad tree-lined thoroughfare, aptly named the "Boulevard des Ambassadeurs," for here are the legations of England, France, and Germany. The Russian Embassy, a poor building in comparison with the others, stands in another part of the town.

On arriving the next day, toward eleven in the morning, at the Hotel des Ambassadeurs, Madame de Montrevel was astonished to find, instead of Roland, a stranger awaiting her. The stranger approached her. "Are you the widow of General de Montrevel, madame?" he asked. "Yes, monsieur," replied Madame de Montrevel, not a little astonished. "And you are looking for your son?"

Of course, when I use these words, I do not mean to apply them to La Carlotta, who sings like a squirt and who ought never to have been allowed to leave the Ambassadeurs and the Cafe Jacquin; nor to La Sorelli, who owes her success mainly to the coach-builders; nor to little Jammes, who dances like a calf in a field.

His manner was at once hard and immature, languid and curiously restless. A second glance assured Esther that her first suspicion was correct. Undoubtedly he was the young man she had seen on several occasions, notably with the Frenchwoman at the Restaurant des Ambassadeurs. Puffing contemplatively, he let his eyes roam about the room. "Doctor still out?" he inquired in a vacant tone.

He dressed, dined at the Ambassadeurs with Mademoiselle Ixe from the Opera, sent for me, learned that I was at the Maison Leon d'Or, telephoned there, and all for this one thing that I should bring you to him without a moment's delay." "But where is he now?" Julien asked again. Estermen glanced at the clock and at a piece of paper which he took from his pocket.

I have an excellent memory for faces, and when I saw him to-night entering the Café des Ambassadeurs, I recognized him immediately. Thus the mystery is explained." He shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands apart, like a conjurer who has just vanished a rabbit or an orange. "Has the man of whom we are speaking done very wrong?" he inquired.

No. 60. Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères aux Ambassadeurs en Allemagne, en Autriche-Hongrie, en France, en Angleterre, et en Italie. St. Pétersbourg, le 17/30 Juillet 1914.

There is the Tross Dauphins, and there is the Ambassadeurs." "Monsieur" chose haphazard, the Hotel des Ambassadeurs, and was conducted to it. Shortly after his arrival there, he inquired his road to the Place Grenette, and was offered to be shown: but he preferred that it should be described to him, and to go alone. The Place was found, and he thence turned to the apartments of Lady Isabel Vane.

"I find that he's struck up a sudden acquaintance with a lady named Mademoiselle Beaumarais, and that they are to dine together at the Café des Ambassadeurs to-night. They have been in and out of half the jewellers' shops in the Rue de la Paix to-day, and he's spending a mint of money on her." "They are dining at the Café des Ambassadeurs to-night, did you say? At what time?"