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Updated: August 6, 2024

'It's where we-alls lives at; can tomatters is. "'I tells you what you-all do, says Enright, 'an' when I speaks, I represents for this yere camp. "'Which he shore does, says Jack. 'He's the Big Gray Wolf yere, you can gamble. If he don't say "go slow" when you comes a-yellin' up, your remains would a-been coverin' half an acre right now.

"Some on 'em hollerin' to us to mount up on it and ride it back into the barn, when they knew that it would tear us to pieces if we went nigh it when it wuz mad. And some on 'em orderin' us to git rid of it. And how could we dispose of a ragin' rinosterhorse at a minute's notice? And some on 'em a-yellin' at us to kill it. How could we kill it, when the creeter didn't belong to us?

And he started off at a fearful rate; round and round that inclosure they went, Josiah layin' his cane over the sides of the bird, and the keeper a-yellin' at him that he'd be killed. And when they come round by us the first time I heard him a-aposthrofizin' the bird

"I did do it," she declared excitedly. "That there boy dared me to. Ketch me takin' a dare offen a avenoo kid!" "What's your name, Sis?" asked the policeman. "Nance Molloy." "Where do you live?" "Up there at Snawdor's. That there was Mis' Snawdor a-yellin' at me." "Is she yer mother?" "Nope. She's me step." "And yer father?" "He's me step too.

There was an ol' road out over that way, an' I'd hoid tell it led ter a ol' graveyard, but I hadn't never been there myself an' hadn't thought much about it till 'long between two an' three o'clock, as I was a-hikin' up an down, when somepin' comes a-zizzin' down the road hell-fer-leather on to me, a-yellin' somepin' fierce. Gee, but I was skeered!

But though it didn't fall out only three times, as I said, it kep' us all nerved up and uneasy the hull of the time expectin' it. And Steve Yerden kep' a-yellin' at his horses all the time; there wuzn't no comfort to be took within a mile of him. I wuz awful sorry it happened so, on her account.

"She comes out of this yare pit wheer t'owd man was chucked, and wanders about the wood and th' rise, a-yellin' somefin awful. It's nowt to hear her we've all heerd her for that matter but to see her is to meet a bloody and violent end within the month. That's why they call this 'ere pit 'the Shrieking Pit. I'm thinkin' that owd Mr.

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