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No later than A.D. 412, two German nations, the Visigoths and the Burgundians, took their stand definitively in Gaul, and founded there two new kingdoms: the Visigoths, under their kings Ataulph and Wallia, in Aquitania and Narbonness; the Burgundians, under their kings Gundichaire and Gundioch, in Lyonness, from the southern point of Alsatia right into Provence, along the two banks of the Saone and the left bank of the Rhone, and also in Switzerland.

In this latter enactment the earlier ordinance of 412 was revived, instead of the absolute prohibition of all re-election to the consulship, which had been the favourite idea of the most recent ultra-oligarchical epoch.

The average import of foreign grain was about 3,000,000 quarters, therefore TWENTY-FOUR MILLIONS were fed on the domestic produce. In 1871 the population was 31,513,412, and the average importation of grain 20,000,000 quarters; therefore only ELEVEN AND A HALF MILLIONS were supported by home produce.

Afterward squads of Chinamen, exactly 25, all told, came from north and south in practically equal numbers and entered those two houses, but never a man entered, or passed, or came out of No. 412. These more numerous arrivals met with no hesitation on the part of the two doorkeepers. They entered without let or hindrance. After that there was what is known in theatrical circles as a "stage wait."

Wallace should have quoted the extract from the Origin of Species just given, as he has done on p. 412 of his Darwinism, without betraying any sign that he has caught its driftlessness for drift, other than a desire to hedge, it assuredly has not got.

"No one in No. 412 is aware of your presence. We have taken care of that. As for the other houses, they provide the simplest means of access to the center one. Doorways have been made in the cellar walls and special staircases built.

Any one who compares the consular Fasti before and after 412 will have no doubt as to the existence of the above-mentioned law respecting re-election to the consulate; for, while before that year a return to office, especially after three or four years, was a common occurrence, afterwards intervals of ten years and more were as frequent.

Two groups of stars especially distinguish Taurus, the Hyades and the Pleiades, and both are exceedingly interesting when viewed with the lowest magnifying powers of our telescopes. We shall begin with a little star just west of the Pleiades, Sigma 412, also called 7 Tauri. This is a triple, but we can see it only as a double, the third star being exceedingly close to the primary.

Every man deceives himself while he thinks he is deceiving others; and forgets that the time is at hand when every illusion shall cease, when fictitious excellence shall be torn away, and ALL must be shown to ALL in their real state. I am, Sir, your humble servant, No. 85. Qui studet optatam cursu contingere metam, Multa tulit fecitque puer. Hon. De Ar. Poet. 412.

Southern Tour, p. 262; Northern Tour, ii. 412. Northern Tour, iv. 410, etc. Irish Tour, ii. 118-19. Memoirs of Sir John Sinclair, by his son. 2 vols., 1837. Memoirs, i. 338. A New Statistical Account, replacing this, appeared in twenty-four volumes from 1834 to 1844. He was president for the first five years, and again, from 1806 till 1813.