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Subsistent in themselves are Father, Son and Spirit: the Father only has origin in himself. Query XXVI. p. 412. It is not 'made', but 'became'. Thus here: begotten eternally, and not as one that became; that is, as not having been before. The only-begotten Son never 'became'; but all things 'became' through him. Ib. 412.

Through the cementing of wells in the Cushing field, Oklahoma, the daily volume of water lifted from the wells was decreased from 7,520 barrels to 628 barrels, while the daily volume of oil produced was increased from 412 barrels to 4,716. These instances show what can and should be done in our known oil fields.

In this latter enactment the earlier ordinance of 412 was revived, instead of the absolute prohibition of all re-election to the consulship, which had been the favourite idea of the most recent ultra-oligarchical epoch.

NE: the affirmative ne, often wrongly written nae on the absurd assumption that the word passed into Latin from the Greek ναι, is in Cicero always and in other writers nearly always followed by a pronoun. For the form of the sentence here cf. PER STADIUM: 'over the course'; cf. Athenaeus 10. 4, p. 412 E; Lucian, Charon, 8; Quint. 1, 9, 5 Milo quem vitulum assueverat ferre, taurum ferebat.

Rush. vol. ii. p. 136, 142, 189, 252. * Rush. vol. ii. p, 158, 159, etc. Franklyn, p. 412.

The Lightning showed what she could do from Melbourne to Liverpool by making the passage in sixty-three' days, with 3722 miles in ten consecutive days and one day's sprint of 412 miles. In the China tea trade the Thermopylae drove home from Foo-chow in ninety-one days, which was equaled by the Sir Launcelot.

And there can be no doubt that this supervision should be carried further than it now is. IV. P. MacKaye, The Civic Theatre in Relation to the Redemption of Leisure. H. Munsterberg, Psychology and Social Sanity, pp. 27-43. J. H. Coffin, The Socialized Conscience, pp. 130-41. Outlook, vol. 92, p. 110; vol. 101, p. 492; vol. 107, p. 412.

True, however, is it that since there was a Court at Florence, first that of Giulio, the Cardinal de' Medici, then that of the Cardinal of Cortona, which enjoyed more license than the former, the manners of the city have become more refined or shall I say more corrupt? The Character of Alexander VI., from Guicciardini's Story, Fiorentina, cap. 27. See Chap. vii. p. 412 above.

E.C. Baldwin, p. 19. Philidore and Placentia , p. 12. Miss C.E. Morgan, The Novel of Manners, , 100. A companion-piece to the third edition of The Mercenary Lover, . A companion-piece to The Fatal Secret: or, Constancy in Distress. Monthly Review, XXXVIII, 412, May, 1768. Clementina; or the History of an Italian Lady, who made her Escape from a Monastery, etc. Critical Review, XXV, 59.

Spence Hardy, in his excellent book on Eastern Monachism, p. 412, extols the extraordinary tolerance of the Buddhists, and adds his assurance that the annals of Buddhism furnish fewer examples of religious persecution than those of any other religion.