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To show the fallacy of this, it is sufficient to point out that the powers of the landlords for good or evil were considerably reduced by the Land Act of 1870, and after that they were further diminished by each successive Act until the last shred was taken away by the Act of 1887; yet the population went down from 5,412,377 in 1871 to 4,453,775 in 1901 the emigration being larger in proportion from those counties where the National League was omnipotent than from other parts of Ireland.

"Histoire de Marie Antoinette," par M. Montjoye, p. 202. Madame de Campan, p. 412. This edict was registered in the "Chambre Syndicate," September 13th, 1787. La Reine Marie Antoinette et la Rév. Française, Recherches Historiques, par le Comte de Bel-Castel, p. 246.

Mag. for 1785, p. 412. Afterwards Sir Robert Chambers, one of his Majesty's Judges in India. BOSWELL. See ante, i.274. 'He conceived that the cultivation of Persian literature might with advantage be made a part of the liberal education of an English gentleman; and he drew up a plan with that view.

From Ichang to Chungking a distance of 412 miles the river Yangtse, in a great part of its course, is a series of rapids which no steamer has yet attempted to ascend, though it is contended that the difficulties of navigation would not be insuperable to a specially constructed steamer of elevated horse-power.

"To pass this law and then hope that South Carolina, moved by the hope of future power, would do justice to the negro, is absurd. She has 291,300 whites and 412,406 negroes.

Bessie Bates, 412 South Eleventh Street, Palatka, Florida Observation of Field Worker Pearl Randolph, Field Worker Jacksonville, Florida December 5, 1936 "Pap tell us 'nother story 'bout do war and 'bout de fust time you saw mamma." It has been almost 60 years since a group of children gathered about their father's knee, clamoring for another story.

The law requiring the purchase by the Treasury of $2,000,000 worth of silver bullion each month, to be coined into silver dollars of 412 1/2 grains, has been observed by the Department, but neither the present Secretary nor any of his predecessors has deemed it safe to exercise the discretion given by law to increase the monthly purchases to $4,000,000.

The last and only enumeration of the inhabitants of Mexico or New Spain was made in 1794, by that distinguished Vice-king to whom I have so often referred, Ravillagigedo. This enumeration gave as the actual population 3,865,529, besides the departments of Vera Cruz, Guanajuato, and Cohahuila, which were estimated to contain 518,000 more, making a sum total of 4,412,529.

Sastres, 'may always have something to tell: you live among the various orders of mankind, and may make a letter from the exploits, sometimes of the philosopher, and sometimes of the pickpocket. You see some balloons succeed and some miscarry, and a thousand strange and a thousand foolish things. Piozzi Letters, ii. 412. See ante, p. 349, note.

* Digges, p. 412, 428. Melvil, p. 130. Spotswood, p. 309. The king excused himself by Sir Alexander Hume, his ambassador; and Lenox, finding that the queen had openly declared against him, was further confirmed in his intention of overturning the English interest, and particularly of ruining Morton, who was regarded as the head of it.