United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Four-forty, whispering again, and the gavel drops. The Honourable Giles Henderson of Kingston has.. 412 The Honourable Humphrey Crewe of Leith has... 325 The Honourable Adam B. Hunt of Edmundton has... 250 And there is no choice on the third ballot! Thirteen delegates are actually missing this time. Scour the town! And now even the newspaper adjectives describing the scene have given out.

With the idea of destroying partisanship and making the execution of the laws non-partisan, Carleton prepared a bill, which was intended to take the control of the police out of the hands of the Mayor and Common Council of the city, and to put it into the hands of the Governor of the Commonwealth. When Mr. Coffin began this work, Boston had a population of 412,000 souls.

The "Charlotte Street Fire" caused only a slight sensation. It became known that No. 412 was a resort of Chinese opium fiends, and the loss of the den and its frequenters was not treated as a National calamity. The shooting at No. 11 Fortescue Square was regarded much more seriously, and the newspapers were full of it all next day. Thenceforth, however, interest flagged. Mr.

"Not unless you wish it. If you so desire you can occupy both ends of the street, and arrest every Chinaman coming away from No. 412, but let those pass who go towards it." "Will others go there friends of yours, I mean?" " Oh, yes. We will overpower the Young Manchus by taking them unaware. We will act quietly, but there will be no mistake. It is you who will err if you do not accept our help."

That it was considerable is certain, as Lusignan, commandant at Ticonderoga, wrote immediately for reinforcements. Caleb Stark, Memoir and Correspondence of John Stark, 18, 412. Return of Killed, Wounded, and Missing in the Action near Ticonderoga, Jan. 1757; all the names are here given.

The total receipts during the next fiscal year, ending June 30, 1880, estimated according to existing laws, will be $264,500,000, and the estimated ordinary expenditures for the same period will be $236,320,412.68, leaving a surplus of $28,179,587.32 for that year.

He must defend himself until wounded. Blood once drawn, the combat ceases; but the attacking party plunders his house and appropriates the husband’s property, and finally sits down to a feast provided by him. Dennett, Jour. Afr. Soc., I, 266. Jour. Afr. Soc., I, 412. Hartland, Primitive Paternity, Vol. I, pp. 275 et seq. Old New Zealand, p. 110.

He estimated the legal methods of Great Britain by those which obtained in his own land, and probably thought he was being led forth to immediate execution. The whole five crowded into the car, and the driver, the same English chauffeur to whom Theydon had spoken, was told to make for 412 Charlotte Street, and pass the house slowly, but not pull up.

Next day Hill 419 was again fiercely shelled, this time with deadly effectiveness; but even then the Russians still clung to their battered ground. The Austrians now charged the trenches on Hill 412, whence the fusiliers had been ambushed the previous day. A desperate hand-to-hand encounter, in which they had to force their way step by step, finally gave the position to the attackers.

The receipts in the Treasury from the 1st of October to the 31st day of March last, including the sums received on account of Treasury notes and of the loans authorized by the acts of the last and the preceding sessions of Congress, have amounted to $15,412,000. The expenditures during the same period amounted to $15,920,000, and left in the Treasury on the 1st of April the sum of $1,857,000.