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In January, 1801, Colonel Burr's daughter Theodosia was married to Joseph Alston, Esq., of South Carolina. Mr. Alston was in his twenty-second, Miss Burr in her eighteenth year. He was a gentleman of talents and fortune, and a few years after his marriage was chosen governor.

The astonishment and confusion of the French recruiter were so great that he was unable to make any reply; but instantly retired, venting a tremendous ejaculation. Paris, December 13, 1801. In this gay capital, balls succeed to balls in an almost incredible variety.

[Footnote 25: Leipzig, 1801, 8vo, I, 168; II, 170.

Lord Bateman was the Colonel of the Herefordshire Militia, who fired upon the citizens, and slaughtered a number of them; and his Lordship received one hundred guineas for this valiant and humane feat!! The Chamberlain's salary is raised, is doubled, in the year 1801, in consequence of the high price of provisions. Quere, has it been lowered again, now that the price of provisions is fallen?

She is not of that cast, yet a preference to rank only is not very flattering to vanity; a remark which may remind you of "Le moi." Adieu, chere enfante. New-York, May 26, 1801. Another parlementaire is preparing in this port, and ma bonne amie and Natalie are again preparing to sail; but you may rest assured that they will not go.

Adieu, my dear Theodosia. New-York, November 15, 1801. I send the enclosed newspaper merely on account of the proceedings of the Rhode Island legislature. They are on the second page.

Lanusse was only twenty-four but had been chief of battalion for four years, and now entered upon a brilliant though short career which ended by his death in 1801 at Aboukir. The advance of Bonaparte's army began on May thirtieth.

And this has been nowhere better understood than among the slave oligarchs of his own time. In 1801, Jefferson was elected to the Presidency on the thirty-sixth ballot. Thirty-five times Delaware, Maryland, and South Carolina voted against him. The following year Mr.

During supper, the first consul stood behind the chair of Madame Bonaparte, and balanced himself sometimes on one leg, and sometimes on the other, in the manner of the princes of the house of Bourbon. I made my neighbour remark this vocation for royalty, already so decided. Paris in 1801

But will that bill be then accepted with the delight and thankfulness with which it was received last March? Remember Ireland. Remember how, in that country, concessions too long delayed were at last received. That great boon which in 1801, in 1813, in 1825, would have won the hearts of millions, given too late, and given from fear, only produced new clamours and new dangers.