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Updated: August 26, 2024

S'posing you was to ask her, Mo! asking don't cost much." Uncle Moses seemed to weigh the outlay. "No," he said. "Asking wouldn't send me to the work'us." And when he had taken leave of his friend at their sundering-point, he spent the rest of his short walk home in speculation as to what had set Jerry off about Aunt M'riar.

And then, with that toss of his head, and the glimmering of a frank smile: 'But I can't stick it. Humpin' a swag's about all I'm fit for, I reckon. You're right, too, it's no game for your father's son. And here his kindly face lost all trace of anything but friendliness. 'Only, what beats me is what in the world else can ye do, mewed up in this this blessed work'us. That's what has me beat.

With infinite difficulty, and much futile effort at illustration, did Haco explain to Mrs Gaff the difference between principal and interest; telling her to live on the latter, and never on any account to touch the former, unless she wished to "end her days in a work'us." "I wonder what it's like," said Mrs Gaff. "What what's like?" inquired the skipper. "Ten thousand pounds."

What were tea and plum-cake to him, when his pauper-breeding was so stamped upon him that the gardener was free to say "A nice tale too! What's thou to do wi' doves, and thou a work'us lad?" and to take for granted that he would thieve and lie if he got the chance? His disabilities were not the dog's, however.

'If she dies, she'll 'ave to be buried by the work'us. And if she lives, she'll be worse off than ever; for they won't take a girl with cropped hair into a shop, and the fear of infection besides. She ain't got a friend in the world, she ain't; except her own people, and they're only a drain on the poor thing. Poor Mary Ann! she have had a bad time of it.

No fear! I'll set the perlice after him. 'The perlice! What can they do? 'Is it law as he can go off and leave me with nothing to live on? 'Course it is! Unless you go to the work'us an' throw yourself on the parish. Do, do! Oh my! Shouldn't I like to see you brought down to the work'us, like Mrs. Igginbottom, the wife of the cat's-meat man, him as they stuck up wanted for desertion!

He's a butcher by trade." "And what is she?" "I think she's a tailoress; they lives close by here, they do." "And who are you, and where do you live?" "I'm the regular attendant; I lives close by here." "Where close by?" "In the work'us; they gives me this work to do." "Oh, you are a pauper, then?" "Yease; but I works here; I'm the regular attendant.

'Of a broken heart, some of our old nurses told me, replied Oliver: more as if he were talking to himself, than answering Noah. 'I think I know what it must be to die of that! 'Tol de rol lol lol, right fol lairy, Work'us, said Noah, as a tear rolled down Oliver's cheek. 'What's set you a snivelling now? 'Not you, replied Oliver, sharply. 'There; that's enough.

The Seraph ventured: "Did your grandmother put you in the work'us?" "No, no. Not she. It was my two grandsons. Well-fixed men they be too, for Philip had a fine cow until the bailiff took her; and Zachary thinks naught on a Fair day o' buying meat pasties for hisself and his missus, and parading about before the nation wi' the gravy fair running down their wrists.

'Done much of this sort of thing? 'It's the first time I've been to a casual ward, and it doesn't seem as if I'm going to get in now. 'I thought you looked as if you was a bit fresh. What are yer goin' to do? 'How far is it to Kensington? 'Work'us? about three mile; but, if I was you, I'd try St George's. 'Where's that? 'In the Fulham Road.

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