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Updated: August 6, 2024

With the invasion of the valley of the Ohio by the whites, with the march into the wilderness of that wild-turkey breed of heroes of which Boone, Kenton, the Zanes, and the Wetzels were the first, the Indian's nature gradually changed until he became a fierce and relentless foe. The Hurons had sided with the French in Pontiac's war, and in the Revolution they aided the British.

From the first inception of nest-building until the young are able to take care of themselves, this reptile mother, like the female wild-turkey, resists the encroachments of her mate who would devour, not only the eggs, but his own crawling children.

"Ninety-one ninety-one," said the stranger, to himself. "That is a temptation! I can turn a penny on that. But the wild-turkeys; I must have a crack at a wild-turkey or a deer. I think, friend," he added, speaking louder, "that I will have some sport in these parts for a few days first. Then, maybe, I'll buy up a few thousand bushels of wheat, if the prices haven't gone up."

Harry had read the paper aloud. "There's no use o' leavin' yer bag. Git it out o' the bushes, and come along with me." Harry soon found his bag, and then he and Tony set out along the road. "What are you after?" asked Harry. "Turkeys," said Tony. Tony Kirk was always after turkeys. He was a wild-turkey hunter by profession.

"But, didn't we promise to do it?" said Miss Kate, bravely. "We'd do twice as much, if there were two of her." It was very fortunate, however, that there were not two of her. Sometimes they had extraordinary luck. Early one November morning Harry was out in the woods and caught sight of a fat wild-turkey. Bang! one dollar. That was enough to keep Aunt Matilda for a week.

We all congratulated Antonio upon his skill as a marksman, and then turned in the direction of camp without starting any game, however, until we reached the river bottom, when Hal was fortunate enough to secure a wild-turkey; and, with this trophy of his skill, we were obliged to be content. The following morning found us on the road right early.

That scoundrel has been associating with a nigger, and eating at his house ever since he has been here." "Yes, yes, and we'll be d d if he isn't an abolitionist," joined in a dozen voices, "for he dined at Bill Webster's last Sunday on a wild-turkey. Nobody but an infernal abolitionist would dine with a nigger."

Sometimes, when they were separated, she would lead him into a ravine by imitating a squirrel or a wild-turkey, and, as he crept noiselessly along with bated breath and eyes peering eagerly through the tree-tops or the underbrush, she would step like a dryad from behind some tree at his side, with a ringing laugh at his discomfiture.

A score or two of them drive into town daily, each with his four-, three- or two-horse cargo of wood. The pile is frequently topped off with a brace or two of ruffed grouse, there called pheasant, or a wild-turkey, less often a deer, and more often hares; which last multiply along the narrow intervales in extraordinary numbers.

We are so ancient that plenty of us remember the stone fireplace in the log-cabin, with its dusters for the hearth of buffalo tail and wild-turkey wing, with iron pot hung by a chain from the chimney hook, with pewter or wooden plates from which to eat with horn-handled knives and iron spoons.

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