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I'll take over one cart, and Mrs. Wellin must remove the other. I'll buy the chaff-cutter and the dairy things, but not the reaping machine " "I'm afraid that'll put Mrs. Wellin out considerably!" threw in Hastings. "Can't help it. I can't have the place cluttered up with old iron like that. It's worth nothing. I'm sure you wouldn't advise me to buy it!"

"When I think what a deserted hole this has been for years. You know, the village people firmly believe it is haunted? Old Wellin never could get anybody to sleep here. But tramps often used it, I'm certain. They got in through the windows. Hastings told me he had several times found a smouldering fire in the kitchen." "What sort is the ghost?"

And being an honest man himself, and good-tempered, though rather shy and dull, he presently recognized the same qualities of honesty and good temper in her; and took to her. Insensibly their tone to each other grew friendly. Though he was temporarily in the landlord's employ, he had been for some years in the service of the Wellin family.

And down a little ways from the house there's a cool springhouse, with clear, cold water wellin' up and ripplin' out over the clean, white sand, with crocks o' fresh milk setting in it with cream half an inch thick, and big jars o' buttermilk from the last churnin', and piggins o' fresh butter, and mebbe a big crock full o' smearkase. Si, do you like smearkase?"

Well, if it's to be that, I hope it will be a long time coming. Yes, indeed. Yeckorus, boot hundred beshes the divvus acai, a juva was wellin' to chore a yora. "Mukk mandy hatch," penned the yora, "an' I'll sikker tute ki tute can lel a tikno pappni." So the juva lelled the tikno pappni, and it pookered laki, "Mukk mandy jal an' I'll sikker tute ki tute can chore a bori kani."

When the wind is high, move the tent to the other side of the hedge behind it. That is to say, change sides in an emergency. "Hatch apre! Hushti! The prastramengro's wellin! Jal the graias avree! Prastee!" "Jump up! Wide awake there! The policeman's coming! Run the horses off! Scamper!" This is an alarm in camp, and constitutes a sufficiently graphic picture.

"You know what Doctor Shaw told you about that sort o' goin' on." "Never you mind, Anne. What about that painter chap?" "Gone home for the week-end." Mrs. Wellin retreated a foot or two and crossed her arms, bare to the elbow, in front of her. The Rector stared. "I thought I had taken him on by the week to paint my house," he said at last. "So you did.

She looked with bright decision at her companion, who smiled a little awkwardly, and said nothing. The old long habit of considering the Wellin interest first, before any other in the world, held him still, though he was no longer their servant. Miss Henderson moved back towards the house. "And you'll hurry these men up? as much as you can? They are slow-coaches! I must get in the week after next.

But he said he must see his missus and hear how his little girl had done in her music exam." Mrs. Wellin delivered this piece of news very fast and with evident gusto. It might have been thought she enjoyed inflicting it on her master. The Rector laughed out.

Thomas Wellin, whose death had thrown the farm which she had now taken on the market, had done well for the land. And it was not his fault but the landlord's that the farmhouse and buildings had been allowed to fall into such a state. Mr. Wellin had not wanted the house, since he was only working the land temporarily in addition to his own farm half a mile away.