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Theodore received his well-worded congratulations with an ill-concealed scowl. "My car's waiting," said Fenger. "Won't you let me take you home?" A warning pressure from Theodore. "Thanks, no. We have a car. Theodore's very tired." "I can quite believe that." "Not tired," growled Theodore, like a great boy. "I'm hungry. Starved. I never eat before playing."

Elsa never disliked him, she accepted his attentions just as she did those of everyone else. Periodically Béla would make a formal proposal of marriage, which Irma néni, in her own name and that of Elsa's paralytic father, invariably accepted. But to his sober and well-worded proposals Elsa gave the same replies that she gave to her more impetuous adorers. "I don't want to marry. Not yet!"

All who heard it read were agreed that they had seldom had the fortune to hear such a well-worded and thoroughly sensible epistle; and Sancho was proud of the praise that was being bestowed on his former master, to whom he still was as devoted as ever. The Governor withdrew with his secretary into his own room, and there he dictated at once his reply to Don Quixote's letter.

Honor was the recipient of many dainty notes of well-worded congratulations, and the sweetest sounding like Miss Dash's and Miss Reid's were those whose writers envied with a great bitterness the luck of Henry Rayne's protegee. I need not follow the course of events farther than this, although strongly tempted to tell of certain stylish weddings that followed this one in busy succession.

Hope could do no less than comply, and the bulky missive was received by the listeners with as much respectful enjoyment as if it had been a neat-appearing, well-worded epistle, instead of the rambling, disjointed, much-soiled, and oddly-expressed letter that it was.

This was the first automobile the pony had ever seen, and he made up his mind promptly that he did not like it. He reared and bucked, bolting first to one side and the other of the road, and refused to consider Smythe's well-worded assurance that wise horses were really fond of automobiles, which were taking a great deal of work off their shoulders.

If they were, he would move heaven and earth to put off a committee meeting, in order to join them. By the way, he was to get the floor for his speech that afternoon. Wouldn't Mrs. Carriswood come to inspire him? Perhaps Miss Van Harlem would not be bored by a little of it. It was a well-worded note; as Mrs.

Showing him into the parlor, Victor sought Richard's presence, and by a few masterly strokes of policy and well-worded arguments, obtained his consent for Arthur to see Edith just a few moments.

It is a sign of the high average of French intelligence that feeling well-worded can stir and uplift it; that "words" are not half shamefacedly regarded as something separate from, and extraneous to, emotion, or even as a mere vent for it, but as actually animating and forming it.

Though their speeches were flattering and well-worded, Melissa repulsed them by remarking sharply that she did not want their flowers. "We can easily believe that," answered Apollonaris, "for are you not yourself a lovely, blooming rose?" "Vain flattery," replied Melissa; "and I certainly do not bloom for you."