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Frederick D. Losey, Mrs. Parke, Mrs. Angus Taylor, Mrs. J. D. Wilkins, Mrs. W. J. Chambers, Miss Annie Joe Coates, Mrs. John Lusk, Mrs. Leon Weil. On June 17, 1919, Mrs. James S. Pinckard called a meeting of women of wealth and social standing at her home in Montgomery. With the help of a constitutional lawyer they organized the Southern Women's Anti-Ratification League, with Mrs.

He grew lean and lost his country color that winter, but he was learning, learning all the time, not only in the office of Weil & Street, but at night school, where he studied architecture. When he decided he had got all he could get out of the estimating and drawing rooms he asked to be transferred to one of the jobs.

As for Christophe, husband and wife would have asked nothing better than to know him: they were fascinated by the music that they could hear faintly when he was playing. But nothing in the world could have induced them to make the first move: they would have thought it indiscreet. The whole of the first floor was occupied by M. and Madame Felix Weil.

At the annual convention in the Woman's Club Building, Raleigh, Jan. 10, 1919, Miss Gertrude Weil was elected president and Mrs. Josephus Daniels honorary president. The chief speaker was the Hon. William Jennings Bryan, who addressed in the city auditorium an immense gathering of all classes. The past year had been a busy one.

My husband was anxious to collect some of the native Indian airs, as they all sing weil, and have a fine ear for music, but all his efforts proved abortive. "Yes, but no good." "Leave me to be the judge of that. Cannot you give me a war-song?" "Yes, but no good," with an ominous shake of the head. "A hunting-song?" "No fit for white man." with an air of contempt. "No good, no good!"

Dead at the one door, and heirship at the other. Do well, and doubt no man; and do weil, and doubt all men. Do the likeliest, and God will do the best. Drunken wife gat ay the drunken penny. Drink and drouth comes sindle together. Dead men bites not. Daffing dow nothing. Dogs will red swine. Drive out the inch as thou hast done the span. Dirt parts company.

My predecessor communicated to the Congress the fact that the Weil and La Abra awards against Mexico have been adjudged by the highest courts of our country to have been obtained through fraud and perjury on the part of the claimants, and that in accordance with the acts of the Congress the money remaining in the hands of the Secretary of State on these awards has been returned to Mexico.

I wouldn't wish to ask the captain anything." "Are there any other witnesses?" inquired Donohue next. There was no answer. Plainly there were no other witnesses. "Lieutenant Weil, do you desire for to say something in your own behalf?" queried the deputy commissioner. "I think I'd like to," answered Weil.

Even in those raw days Robert had a cheerful assurance tempered with rather a nice deference that often got him what he wanted from older men. When he left the offices of Weil & Street he had been given a job in the estimating-room, at a salary that would just keep him from starving.

And yet, though Christophe knew very little of them, he could see that, underneath their party and racial labels, they all wanted the same thing. There were many reasons particularly why M. Weil and the Commandant should have understood each other.