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Horned toads hopped about; each of the four upper corners of the room was festooned with a thick cobweb, in the center of which sat a spider as big around as a washbasin, and armed with pincher-like claws; a red-and-green lizard was stretched at full length on the window-sill and black rats darted in and out of the holes they had gnawed in the floor of the cottage.

But presently, when she heard Lise sigh, she could contain herself no longer. "I don't see how you can read such stuff as that," she exclaimed. "It's it's horrible." "Horrible?" Lise repeated. Janet swung round from the washbasin, her hands dripping. "Instead of getting seventy five thousand dollars she ought to be tarred and feathered. She's nothing but a blackmailer."

"My own pet!" he said, rising suddenly. His voice shook. What delightful moments these were! Unfortunately, oh! yes, indeed, unfortunately, he could not press his lathered face to mine! "Wait a little," he exclaimed, darting toward the washbasin, full of water, "wait an instant!" But it seemed as if it took him a week to wash it off. Madame Ah! it is so nice of you to come home early!

On the afternoon of the day the letter came, she went down town to the Amos Ames Emporium to buy a washbasin and pitcher for the room she meant the little boy to have. She stood looking at a basin with a row of brown dogs around the rim, when over her shoulder Mis' Abby Winslow spoke. "You ain't buying a Christmas present for anybody, are you?" she asked warningly.

A square box, neither more nor less, fourteen by fourteen feet of bare board wall, unpainted and unpapered. There was an iron bed, a willow rocker, and a rude closet for clothes in one corner. A duplicate of the department-store bargain rug in the other room lay on the floor. On an upturned box stood an enamel pitcher and a tin washbasin. That was all.

He now produced a wine glass and a dusty bottle, filled the one from the other and emptied it three times in rapid succession. Then he took the glass to the washbasin and rinsed it with great slowness and precision. Then he sat down and tried to think. Number One meant a mention, perhaps a medal. He would telegraph his aunt tomorrow. Suddenly he felt a strong desire to tell someone.

At that moment the attendant appeared again. He had come after the youth evidently the girl had proved herself. "So long," the boy said to Fred, as he went through the door. "If you've got a dame stuck on you there's always a chance." Fred went over and leaned against the washbasin. His companions had been diverting. In their company he had ceased to think very definitely about his own plight.

She picked up a toad which had had its paw crushed and carried it to her room and has put it in her washbasin and bandaged it as if it were a man. If that is not profanation I should like to know what is! "On another occasion, when walking along the shore she bought a large fish which had just been caught, simply to throw it back into the sea again.

Ashton took a towel, and after rinsing out the second washbasin, made as fastidious a toilet as the scant conveniences of the place would permit. There were combs and a fairly good mirror above the soap shelf. Gowan went in by the side door, without waiting for his companion. Ashton presently followed him, having looked in vain for a razor to rid himself of his two days' growth of beard.

Dale filled it at the spring. Upon returning to the camp-fire he poured water into a washbasin, and, getting down to his knees, proceeded to wash his hands thoroughly. The act seemed a habit, for Helen saw that while he was doing it he gazed off into the woods and listened. Then he dried his hands over the fire, and, turning to the spread-out pack, he began preparations for the meal.