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Updated: August 8, 2024

"Not with those harsh yoke-fellows Kent and Paulett to drive me on, and that viper Beale to report to the Privy Council any strain of mercy as mere treason. What can I do?" "You would do much, my Lord, if you would move them to restore for these last hours to her those faithful servants, Melville and De Preaux, whom Paulett hath seen fit to seclude from her.

He smiled but did not answer. He stepped forward to the centre of the tent and fell on his knees. He uttered Arabic words, which Dr. Porhoët translated to the others. 'O viper, I adjure you, by the great God who is all-powerful, to come forth. You are but a snake, and God is greater than all snakes. Obey my call and come.

Thank heaven for Sir Basil, was Jack's thought, over that sharpened ache. And it was with this thought that, for Jack, came the first sinister whisper, the whisper that, as suddenly as the hiss of a viper trodden upon in the grass, warned him of the fulfilment, clear, startling, unimaginable, of all dim presages.

Hence he was a kind of clerical Ishmael, and as dangerous within as he looked harmless without. How such a viper came to warm itself on the bishop's hearth no one could say. Mrs Pansey herself did not know in what particular way Mr Cargrim had wriggled himself so she expressed it into his present snug position.

"If I could but think that my daughter was safe, and out of the power of that viper, whom I have warmed in my bosom, death would not be unwelcome to me." "Viper!" said Denot, curling his lips, and speaking through his closed teeth. "Warmed in your bosom!

"Spawn of the viper, how dare ye come hither to seek for shelter beneath my roof?" exclaimed the woman in a voice which made the young men start, so shrill and fierce did it sound, high above the roar of the thunder, the howling of the wind, and the pattering of the rain. "A fit time ye have chosen to come and mock at me; but I have powers at my command to overwhelm you in a moment.

"What did they send him to the Reformatory for?" "Playing truant and stealing. He stole right enough stole the money from an old woman, and what was I to do when it came to the trial but say what I knew. And him like a viper a-looking at me more like a viper than a human boy. He leans on the bar and looks at me. 'All right, Aunt Flo, he says, just that and nothing more.

"Take Viper, Adder, Moccasin, and so on they suggest things y' know. Dangerous to meddle with and all that sort of thing, y' know. But your people name your ships after men evidently David Jones, Conyngham, McDonough. I say, who are they Presidents or senators or that sort, or what?"

"Ah, no! she needn't hope for that. I shall know how to keep the man that belongs to me.... And as for you, keep your spite to yourself, for I know you, remember; you are a mere child and a fool!" He recoiled as if a viper were rearing its sharp, slender black head before him; and having always feared her, he thought it best to beat a retreat.

And as she lay trembling on my breast, something struck my foot in the grass below, but I did not heed it. Then again something struck my ankle, and a sharp pain shot through me. I looked into the sweet face of Jeanne d'Ys and kissed her, and with all my strength lifted her in my arms and flung her from me. Then bending, I tore the viper from my ankle and set my heel upon its head.

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