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"The factory system in technology is simply the combined operation of many orders of work-people in tending with assiduous skill a series of productive machines, continuously impelled by a central power." A central power controlling an army of workers had been the dream of all mechanicians; and Ure formulated this also:

Then the gentleman with the eyeglass said suavely, "Have you been long in London, Mr. Storm?" "Two weeks," John answered shortly, and half turned his head. "How er interesting!" with a prolonged drawl and a little cold titter. "Oh, Lord Robert Ure Mr. Storm," said the hostess. "Mr.

He was the guest of the evening, but they were talking admiringly of another man, and so he sulked. Oh, how she scorned Tommy! That other man was, of course, the unknown Captain Ure, gallant rescuer of boys, hero of all who admire brave actions except the jealous Sandys. Tommy had pooh-poohed him from the first, to Grizel's unutterable woe.

There is a charm in its breezy situation that is ever present, for even when we are in the narrow little street that curves steeply up the hill there are quite exhilarating peeps of the dale. We can see Wether Fell, with the road we traversed yesterday plainly marked on the slopes, and down below, where the Ure takes its way through bright pastures, there is a mist of smoke ascending from Hawes.

If the deployment is found to be premature, it will generally be best to assemble the company and proceed in close order. Patrols ure used to provide the necessary security against surprise. Being in skirmish line: 1. Platooncolumns, 2.

Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1798-1835, p. 353. Atlantic Monthly, December, 1883, p. 773. For further detail, see McMaster's History of the United States, vol. i. p. 62. Philosophy of Manufactures, by Andrew Ure, M.D., p. 13.

So remote is this valley that wild animals, long extinct in other parts of the dales, survived there until almost recent times. When we have crossed the Ure again, and taken a last look at the Upper Fall from Aysgarth Bridge, we betake ourselves by a footpath to the main highway through Wensleydale, turning aside before reaching Redmire in order to see the great castle of the Scropes at Bolton.

Then Drake walked to his club and wrote this postscript to a letter to Lord Robert Ure, at the Grand Hotel, Paris: "The Parson has drawn first blood, and Gloria has gone home!" On the Sunday evening after Glory's departure John Storm, with the bloodhound running by his side, made his way to Soho in search of the mother of Brother Andrew.

The half-bourgeois Alison betrays to us, however narrow his manner of expressing himself, the evil effect of the great cities upon the moral development of the workers. Another, a bourgeois pur sang, a man after the heart of the Anti-Corn Law League, Dr. Andrew Ure, betrays the other side. He tells us that life in great cities facilitates cabals among the workers and confers power on the Plebs.

"I assure you, it was a much smaller thing to do than you imagine; it was all over in a few minutes; I knew that in your good nature you would make too much of it, and so foolishly, I can see now I tried to keep it from you. As for the name Captain Ure, it was an invention of that humourous dog, Corp."