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"Just an old pair of boots which want mending, Mr. Horn," said Tommy, in uncertain tones, as he unwrapped the boots and held them out with a shaking hand "that is, if you are not too busy." "Not by any means," said "Cobbler" Horn, with a smile. "Put them down." Tommy obeyed. There stood against the wall, a much-worn wooden chair from which the back had been sawn off close.

I saw many pretty blankets and pillows, and I unwrapped that which was wrapped, and it was Aponibolinayen whom we are seeking," said Indiápan. They went quickly her father and mother and the other men went to see her, and when they arrived at the place of the well they saw Aponibolinayen whom they sought. "Where did you come from, Aponibolinayen, for whom we have been seeking?

She did his bidding, and then he carefully deposited the burden he bore in the place she had just occupied. A portion of the object becoming unwrapped, Mary discovered it to be a huge mass of snow, resembling, in some respects, a human form, and the Indian's stratagem was at once apparent to her.

She unwrapped the photograph of Evelyn and put it back in its old place on top of the bookshelves. "This settles everything, does it?" asked John. "We don't go back to New York?" "We do not," said Lucy firmly. "Well," said John, "I'd better see the bank before it changes its mind again. Is the buggy outside?" "No, but you can take Archie's or Evelyn's. Can't he?

There is no beggary among these strong-souled men of the far North, and Jan's lips did not beg. He unwrapped the bearskin, and whispered: "For the museek of the violon somet'ing to eat!" He played, even as the words fell from him, but only for a moment for the bow slipped from his nerveless grip and his head sank forward upon his breast.

He had thrown his hat right into a bouquet of flowers and his hair stood on end and his tie was askew with the haste he had made in getting to the hospital from the train. "Now about this hip, yes?" he said in a businesslike tone. Without any ceremony he brushed the nurse aside and unwrapped the bandages.

"We can't know, of course, but if you were a warehouse clerk and a big rocket went haywire, wouldn't you be out watching it?" "I'd be out where the view was best. So would you," Scotty replied. "Remember where we saw a transistor recently?" Rick asked. Scotty reached in his pocket, brought out his sling, and unwrapped it.

I called on him, and while I was there a young man of not more than twenty-five, wearing thread-bare clothes, and looking as hard as if he had not seen a sober day for a month, came in with a little package in his hand. Tremblingly he unwrapped it, and handed the articles to the pawnbroker, saying, 'Give me ten cents. And, boys, what do you suppose that package was?

But there were some packages in red-and-gold crape still on the tree, not large ones not magic plates, certainly. The Santa Claus unwrapped the three which he next took from the green branches. The presents were amulets. When unfolded they revealed bells and gems; the bells looked like gold; the gems like pure pearls, opals, and crystals. One was a necklace for Mrs.

He went to a desk in the corner of the room and opened a secret drawer that had not been opened for a long time. He took out a photograph, wrapped in yellowed tissue paper, and went back to the table. He unwrapped it, his blunt white fingers trembling ever so slightly, and sat down. A face of surpassing loveliness looked back at him.