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Shrapnel to Tuckham, and assuredly could not complain that the latter was unsympathetic in regard to the old man's health, though when he said, 'Poor old man! he fears he will die! Tuckham rejoined: 'He had better make his peace. 'He fears he will die, because of his leaving Miss Denham unprotected, said Beauchamp.

The equivalent of fifteen pounds sterling was urgently necessary at that very moment. Fifteen pounds. Who would lend him fifteen pounds? Keith? Not likely. Keith was a miser a Scotchman, ten to one. Koppen? He had once already tried to touch him for a loan, with discouraging results. A most unsympathetic millionaire. Almost offensive, the older bounder had been.

When I say 'hard' I do not in the least mean unsympathetic. But her sympathetic quality was toughened by excessive usage, like the hand of a charwoman.

Terriberry buried his face in his highly perfumed handkerchief as he confessed his wife's shortcomings. "Aw, dry up! Take another and forget it," replied his unsympathetic confidante crossly. Mr. Terriberry looked up in quick cheerfulness. "Le's do, Doc. Do you know I hate water just plain water. If it'll rot your boots what'll it do to your stummick!"

The mail evidently stands in need of a bath, but somehow he doesn't seeiu to appreciate it; perhaps it happened a trifle too impromptu, as it were, to suit his easy-going Asiatic temperament. He returns my rude, unsympathetic smile with a prolonged stare of bewilderment, but says nothing.

Extravagant funerals are an evil, and we should use our influence to discourage extravagance, even where it is rooted quite as much in affection as in vanity; but an unsympathetic attitude on the part of the charitable, an inability to understand the neighborhood point of view, has helped to encourage an extravagant form of saving, namely, burial and child insurance.

The slight looseness in the use of terms, and a certain inexactness of expression that is sometimes apparent, must of course not be exaggerated; it is by no means serious enough to invalidate his main argument. It gives an opportunity for a great deal of superficial criticism on the part of unsympathetic writers, which, however, can do little harm to Eucken's position.

Next comes the European bread fair enough, good enough, after a fashion, but cold; cold and tough, and unsympathetic; and never any change, never any variety always the same tiresome thing. Next, the butter the sham and tasteless butter; no salt in it, and made of goodness knows what. Then there is the beefsteak. They have it in Europe, but they don't know how to cook it.

You will be doing the greatest kindness if you can keep them apart, and avoid a scandal if possible." "My dear Crow, I have never heard of your being so thoroughly unsympathetic before." "And I have never heard of Hector being really in love before, and with an angel, too deuced dangerous folk at the best of times!" "Then there are mother and Morella Winmarleigh to be counted with."

"Very little unless it's the scenery along the bluff," he replied, with the depression sounding still more clearly in his voice and his shoulders drooped against the unsympathetic old stone post in a way that sent a pang to my heart. "Jamie, is all you've got tied up in the venture?"